Monday, October 18, 2010

First, the reasons for amending the law Amitabha preaching

 Know-how on the opening show in the dying once said, when we live, the need to make a choice: the expectation that the Chatu died Guru Padmasambhava, or reborn in Amitabha's paradise ... ... so that the bardo, or dying, can wholeheartedly pray again, reborn in the pure Chatu to their choice. This is the desire to be reborn in the heart sure is very important, which is today amending the law about the origin of one of the Buddha.

addition, Amitabha amending the law for most people, the original is very important. Great successful people who have been enlightened, or a high state of practice in secret giants who do not necessarily require amending the law amendment of Amitabha, the students will be able to because of their achievements, the latest in the shade can also be free time, so they will not have the afterlife, will not need to choose the Chatu died. But for others, be reborn in paradise but it is very important.

Buddhist history from the point of view, even reached a high state of Nagarjuna, ultimately went to Paradise; as big as King Mani successful achievers, on the surface, or choose to go paradise. Of course, this is only exhorted future generations to aspire to a kind of paradise is easy to show, for the king of Mani and other major achievements are concerned, go to Paradise or other parts of the world are the same, where the cause of the degree of sentient beings, they will be where to go, will not have such different but the face of it, it would have that option. It also amend the law but also underscores the Buddha on the importance of the general practitioner.

amend the law because it is neither esoteric doctrine, and no complex rituals, simple, convenient and quick, so whether Tibetan or Han, in the absence of culture, even the characters do not know the old lady, Among grandfather and also there are many successful examples of the world reborn in paradise. They are dying and see reborn in the precursor, and thus no fear of death,cheap UGG boots, and happily went to the Western Paradise. All this is because the revised law is simple and can be cultivated itself into a high chance of reasons.

Although the repair method is very esoteric Most Excellent, Xiu Dehao can be generated to that, do not need to be born, from this perspective, the esoteric world reborn in paradise and so do better than amending the law; but you first need to build on that such as foundation, followed by students also need to play a lot of complex sequence, complete sequence of amending the law; and Amitabha's no need to amend the law that, from this perspective, the repair method than esoteric even better.

Tantric can If the students were chanting very well read, then the next life will not be born elsewhere, and will directly reborn in paradise. This person, one to Paradise, to bloom Xianfo, become a Bodhisattva, because the bliss of all beings, the Buddha is more than one place.

but there is one situation may be the exception, that is, amending the law in practice Amituofo of Amitabha and Pure Land has the confidence and desire to heart, but also skeptical of those who, although they Nenggou reborn in paradise, but in the lotus can not be out for five years, during which only hear the voice of Buddha, but can not see the Buddha.

For such people, there is an argument that it may not yet registered their land, that is, not more than one place of Buddha. Because a Bodhisattva in an instant can interview a hundred Buddha, not have these barriers.

Thus, in addition to such a person other than the normal reborn in paradise who are one place above the Buddha.

exoteric also talked about a lot of classics, the Western Paradise of the Buddha more than one place, if they wish, within seven days can become a Buddha; If not so soon taste the fruits of which hopes to Buddha beings to the degree of identity can also be in the hundreds, thousands or even hundreds of millions of them do not become a Buddha amulet. Seven days talking about here is human time.

It would appear that if a person specifically intended to concentrate on Buddha, a few years later and immediately reborn in the paradise of death, even with seven days in paradise, but also in a few years time will become a Buddha the. While this is not the raw Buddha (from this perspective,bailey UGG boots, Tantric, or amending the law to be faster), but reborn in paradise so quickly after the world success is not that the distinction between students is also no big. Therefore, amending the law of Amitabha can quickly achievement.

four thousand Dharma in which, in addition to the two other than amending the law that allows an ordinary man, in the course of several decades, completely Buddha of amending the law there is not? The answer is no. All in all, one is Tibetan Buddhism, one is the Buddha of amending the law, the two most critical amended the law. Other exoteric and esoteric methods of Tibet have a lot of Chinese Zen Buddhism and other methods also, although they are different, but no one can be successful with large and Amitabha than amending the law.

large have successfully achieved from the time speaking rapidly, but have said before, this is conditional: the main requirement is the foundation; have to find a guru of enlightenment, empowerment and can accurately treat teach know-how, in all its conditions are satisfactory situation right circumstances, be able to get achievements.

Pure Land Law does not require so much repair conditions, for a not very sophisticated, the foundation of the average person, the Pure Land amending the law amending the law than the esoteric, even better, from this perspective, the Pure Land amending the law is very important. This is the Buddha preached another reason for amending the law.

Second, the importance of amending the law Amitabha

His Holiness presided over the final Mani Law Act will be bliss. He was telling everyone about the three points, which point is: Not only that, he was old in his lifetime, but also across a wide range in the bliss of merit preached for decades been committed to promoting the key to be reborn in paradise. Because the Dharma three general is, you can benefit many people, and we therefore should Yijiaofenghang.

modern society, relatively great pressure on people's lives, in order to daily living, work and other things, are hurried all day, rarely idle. Only a few people to have the students practice a full formal complete sequence from the sequence and conditions. Although a large number of Buddhist disciples still adhere to the practice, can the conditions are extremely limited and difficult. Therefore, if able to take into account while amending the law, but also practice reborn in paradise world amending the law, then the grasp of even greater achievements.

the practice of our college is so much older, his practice emphasis is definitely on the Great Perfection and its Canadian line, but also repair the Pure Land Dharma. This is His Holiness the provisions of Mani, everyone from two aspects. Why? Is to consider the case of the Great Perfection in the practice have little effect other secret law, then you can hope reborn in paradise, hence this requirement.

Some people may ask: Since the Buddha of the Most Excellent amending the law so, why not repair the law, but also repair secret law?

There are two main reasons. The first reason is the secret law itself has a lot of incredible merit. If the law Amitabha repair myself very successful, empowerments and transmission of secret law also continued with our hearts in the sow the seeds of an extremely Most Excellent relief, its just a matter of maturity: if not diligent practice will be later, But then later in the XVI will certainly be within the Buddha. More precisely, if not seminarians from the sequential and complete the order, they do not break Micheng ring, the achievements of the deadline to no more than XVI, which is unique to Tibetan Buddhism merit. Therefore, we can not amend the law of the Most Excellent Amitabha, and give up to attend secret law.

second reason is the lack of press think has the potential to practice the Pure Land Dharma, reborn in paradise adversely affect the world. Amitabha practice of amending the law, there must be a very strong faith, which is reborn in paradise the most critical conditions. At present, some people do not like to hear Buddha's thinking, did not learn many of the important content of Buddhism. Although in the course of their chanting, and the paradise of Amitabha is not much doubt, but in other areas such as cause and effect choice but there will be many problems, problems in the future, because the lack of press think, would have attracted much because I do not know how to solve their problems, so long time can not explain. News so it must think, to repair the Tantric, from the Pure Land Dharma and tantric practice of these two aspects is the most practical.

Some advocate the so-called Master Han's an in-depth, that is, if the repair Pure Land, the Dharma is neither any other view, can not repair. Do you? Of course, if the Pure Land Dharma practice very seriously, this is possible, but must adhere to a principle that must not think that, in addition to amending the law Amitabha, the rest was all to no interesting secret law; it should be for all Buddhism on the basis of all have confidence, to choose the key to Training reborn in paradise, this is the right attitude.

specializing in the Pure Land Dharma Although you can, but we finally came to this world, are so full of personal leisure time, having such a large successful law very Most Excellent, if only because of persistent The law is not on the other Most Excellent look, do not smell, do not repair, will be a big loss, indeed a great pity. So for most people, the best to both think and smell the Pure Land Dharma, which is very, very important.

My advice is, if it is older, low cultural level and who, on the Amitabha practice will focus on amending the law; other people have the time if the conditions, you can also do so, but As long as there is one point may be, or should try to smell the thinking, learning secret law. The two law should be revised, which is crucial.

Buddha died even repair method, but also pay attention to methodology, such as practice management, such as law to my son. What is the reason

such as law to practice it?

There are two ways: one is the Tantric Buddha amending the law; the other is the exoteric Amitabha amended the law.

Tantric Buddha of amending the law is the basis of the exoteric, plus some students from the sequential simple recipe for a successful sequence. With these tips, it will repair faster and easier when the deceased, which is a feature; its another feature is that this repair method requires empowerment. The exoteric of amending the law neither requires empowerment, and need not seminarians circular sequence, so simple.

here to add this: For many elderly people, and now seminarians from both sequential and complete sequence is not too late to repair; and because of old and feeble, like a lot to repair physical method, such as knock the bulk of and so on, are not realistic. Therefore, as the elderly, the only option, that is, the Pure Land Dharma, do not think too much, as long as the Amitabha seriously to repair the repair method on it.

they also need to listen to other law? Because the law itself is great to listen to merit, as long as the opportunity to listen to the Dharma, or do not let go; can be implemented only when the revised amendment to the Pure Land of a law, regardless of the method according to exoteric or esoteric can, where they receive the transmission of a repair method to repair what kind of reborn in paradise of the law.

just mentioned, a lot of modern work and life stress significantly, students want to achieve a true complete sequence from the sequence or amending the law, there must be some difficulties. So I would like to stress once again: Amitabha of amending the law, not only the needs of the elderly, young people also need. Why? Because of his life, one should choose their own future and determine the direction to go. This direction, what is it? Is reborn in the Western Paradise, which is very important. So, whether it is old or young, we should amend the law practice of Amitabha.

than a brief introduction to the importance of amending the law Amitabha.

Third, the specific repair method

(a) away from the two Weiyuan

need to stay away from the two Weiyuan what is it? Apart from these two sin, the other, such as killing, stealing, lust, and lying, and so all the sin, are not obstacles to be reborn in paradise. Why? Because, although these very serious sin, but we Amitabha confidence and yearning for the bliss of the heart, itself has great merit, this merit can eliminate these Zuizhang; and violation of the above mentioned two edge is extremely serious sin, repentance must be clean by other means.

a Weiyuan crime law is Bangfa or homes. That there are many, the most serious, is the jump to say that a causal, reincarnation, poetic justice does not matter, nor did the Western Paradise, etc.; simply, is that Buddhism stresses are false,Bailey UGG boots, deceptive people . If this is the house to law, so that is Bangfa, this is the most serious. If we had had such thoughts or beliefs, must be encouraged to force confession, to clean.

Another Weiyuan is five seamless crime. Although there are five five seamless crime, but malicious Does the body of blood and Poseng Hop out the two, and now will not happen. Possible violation of the current, is patricide, matricide and kill the arhat three sin.

ordinary people know that they have not intentionally kill his parents (if not intentionally, it is not seamless offense). Zhiyu kill arhat's karma, we can know by reasoning: Because arhat is the identity of persons or heaven, if not kill the extraordinary, we can not kill the arhat.

matter of abortion is now often occur, so some people may ask: is abortion the fetus which will not be Arahan it? This is impossible. Because the Lohans were in the repair out of this life, after his enlightenment, it will not be born again. This is not like the Buddha, the Buddha may be among the fetus, there will not be Arhat. Therefore, to kill abortion can rule out the possibility of Arhat.

the case of intentional homicide is very rare, if not murdered, not killed off Arhat can be determined. Through this observation, we can clearly had to know in this life, and whether they themselves had made five seamless crime. I, then we have made on a five-seamless offense?

in the I, we should not build a five-seamless crime has even been made silent. If I, made on a five-clean seamless sin without repentance, the world is absolutely impossible to get personal. Because the crime of creating seamless five people in the death of the moment, you can not fall directly through the seamless Bardo hell, and not be born there will be other opportunities.

the above sins are all ruled out, we should pay special attention, is the law of sin Bangfa and homes.

Buddhist ever since we certainly did not make the most serious crimes law Bangfa or homes, and had previously made to tell whether a; for us, most likely artificial slander is more subtle ( Scotia) Act offense.

also more prone to a more dangerous situation is between the different sects within Buddhism slander. For example: people who learn that the esoteric not exoteric declared the Buddha said, is an evil cult, and all the chatter is not esoteric; or learn that the exoteric esoteric poor people, learning exoteric Buddhism of the fruit bits are not so; there school of Tibetan Buddhism Chinese Buddhist who slander, who study Chinese Buddhism and Tibetan Buddhism defamation; In addition, because of Tibetan Buddhism there are different sects within the lineage and heritage, some people in the secular vision to look at these shallow sects, in this based on the greed, hatred, and delusion as the cause of controversy between each other and slander. These are Bangfa or care law.

Buddha also mentioned by another, more subtle Bangfa, four thousand Dharma is that which, some method is good, some bad law, so were read, also called slander ( Scotia) Act.

, then, should be the key to how to treat a variety of different? Four thousand Dharma is not the same level it? Level is not the same, but different levels of good or bad does not mean that law. Ministry of everything as Theravada, although the perspective from the level of law is not esoteric high, but some people can only use the degree of such a method, which can not be successful and other methods to a large degree of. For these people, all with the Department of Law is the most excellent. In order to meet everyone's foundation, we need the key to a wide variety, so any kind of law, we can not underestimate or slander. This is a more subtle

easier Bangfa committed the crime.

some scholars of Tibet, sticking one-sided sectarian bias, like the length of discussion since his sect; some Gelu Ba Han, Nyingma sect of followers, but also love to talk about this right and wrong, such people are not in minority.

now almost every city of the Buddhists are divided into several factions, not between solidarity, but like to compare their guru's good or bad, clean or not ... ... heritage, many people were varying degrees of damage, and this is Bangfa sins. Therefore, these actions are very dangerous, we have absolutely no need to go to feisty.

what they want to repair a method to repair a law which, whether in the exoteric or esoteric Buddhism and Chinese Buddhism or Tibetan Buddhism, or the Nyingma sect, Ge Luba can make a choice between, This is a personal freedom. Choice, or the need to observe, and then further studies. Even if the repair can not be other methods, we can not hold any prejudice against them.

of all Dharma, we should have a sense of respect; any practitioner, there must be unity. If all of the practitioners who are united, will be able to do the majority of the Dharma into the cause of Lee students. On the contrary, frequently meaningless debate, factionalism caused by the situation, make some lack of true Buddhism have been very small city, even more difficult by the precious Buddhist education, this is the result of their artificial Wei Yuan. This bad situation in the Han more.

We must try to get rid of these bad habits, although not necessarily on all refuge division, does not have to repair all of the law, to choose a method on it, but it must have all of the Dharma a sense of respect for all the masters and monks should be so, as a Buddhist this is the most basic principles.

many people make less than this, that and they did not systematically received such a precious Buddhist education. If you have not received such an education, you will see the eyes of the secular Buddhism, but with secular eyes can see, is also very worldly things!

All the above, it is very subtle, very dangerous, but also highly artificial sin, but these Zuizhang is pure. King Philip Mani wide before amending the law the Pure Land, the first to ask us by simply amending the law Vajrasattva - chanting of thousands of words over the next hundred, four hundred thousand times, or recite the Vajrasattva mantra duo Hum

try to get rid of these two Weiyuan is the first step, and then disappeared under the premise of the Wei Yuan, and then create the four factors, namely, four smooth edge.

(b) reborn in paradise of the four factors (along edge)

1, view to the Pure Land and Amitabha

view to Paradise, Amitabha and their families, this is the first of a smooth edge. Visualize the time required without as esoteric as, we must look Thangka repeatedly, until the very clear view to date.

visualization here is very simple, we can draw an analogy: If a person went to Lhasa, and the other had not been there. People who've been to those who have not been seen and heard about his Lhasa: Jokhang Temple in Lhasa, Jokhang Temple which the Sakyamuni Buddha's image, like what this Buddha and so on. So this man not been to Lhasa, the heart will generally have an idea:

Similarly, the book also talked about: the West there is a bliss, bliss of the environment is how solemn; paradise of which the Buddha called Amitabha, the Buddha's face, body color, etc. and how solemn ... .... Although we have not been to paradise, but after reading the book or listened to on the paradise of the introduction, there are a number of concepts: the original bliss is this ... ... If my heart to have this concept, would be sufficient. Amitabha practice Tantric

If the repair method, you need to repeatedly watch the Amitabha Buddha Thangka, with students from the regular sequence method to repair. But speaking in the exoteric classic view to the above method is simple and effective, so do not need to visualize very clearly.

say that the concept sounds simple, but it is often available for homework, preferably Zhouye uninterrupted view to the Western Paradise and the Buddha, that is, in every moment of every thought of not leaving visualization. Obviously, most of us certainly can not do now,

specific visualization methods available in the in just the United States Rinpoche's In these by theory, a very clear description of the Western Paradise of Amitabha and their dependents environment and solemn. After reading these by the theory of Paradise have about the impression that the concept should always keep in mind to go to the Pure Land. This is the first factor.

2, the accumulation of MERITS

MERITS here by the accumulation method, mainly refers to the seven available. In the The only difference is: In the past spoken dependent on the environment,UGG bailey button, is a ten Fang Sanshi the Buddha and the Vajra Guru; and bliss for amending the law in the seven dependent on the environment, it is the Buddha, Bodhisattva, other Bodhisattvas, Amitabha Pure Land, and living in among the various great bodhisattvas. In addition to this difference other than kowtow to support such a concept and methods are identical to, there is no need to repeat. If you have any questions, you can go to This is the method of accumulation MERITS.

In fact, the accumulation of MERITS there are many methods, such as Shoujie, release, charity, chanting and so on. Especially in the Buddha's Birthday, transfer * round of Japan, Nirvana and other Buddhist festivals in Japan, Shoujie, release, or for other good deeds, and its merit was billions of times more will grow; the solar and lunar eclipses occur when the The charity is also very important to amending the law of the machine.

lunar eclipse occurs when, from start to full recovery is usually three to five hours, we need to make before amending the law to prepare. Sleep is not important at this time of night it should amend the law Scriptures. If there is no fixed deity amending the law to repair Vajrasattva, Lai force confession, or read the Amitabha mantra, etc., it is very important. Two days ago there had been an eclipse of the moon, but we did not pay attention, but also missed an opportunity, it is a pity.

order to avoid amending the law to miss such a good time to do good, you look after the calendar will develop the habit. We can go to buy the hospital from the Tibetan Institute of Astronomical Almanac calculated, and then learn about the Tibetan language from one to ten ten numbers: 1 (1), 2 (2), 3 (3), 4 (4), 5 (5), 6 (6), 7 (7), 8 (8), 9 (9), 0 (0), Tibetan numbers and Arabic numerals, like the arrangement, such as: 11 (11 ), 23 (23), 999 (999), etc., so learning is easy. Completion of the future, they can find the Buddhist festival calendar that corresponds to the date.

orthodox Tibetan Buddha Nirvana calendar that has been two thousand nine hundred years, and the Han or other parts of the Buddhist calendar has only two thousand five hundred years, but how long years, the academic to research question, our practice is not important. To our position, the most important thing is to accurately identify the important annual festival of Buddhism in order to use the best hour to practice.

Why eclipses is very important to amend the law time? People from the secular point of view, the so-called sun and the moon, just a common stars and satellite, the Moon around the Earth's gravity and its rotation, the Earth and orbiting the sun; but to not so simple.

However, the absence of red, white and clear points, so they never see the outside of the day, month.

This illustrates that the external day, month, point out the body's internal Qimai a projection, as people look in the mirror, the mirror of people do not really exist, but the shadows only. Similarly, the operation of other planets, but also points out the inherent Qimai run an external reflection of the law.

repair Qimai point out certain realm, so you can breathe through their own or to speculate on when Yue Ying loss. That is, if they want to know the phases of the profit and loss, do not need to see calendar, you can only breathe through their own observation of it. Thus, the operation of external and internal Qimai stars point out the changes, relationship is extremely close.

Some people see the two on the 15th Tibetan sometimes, sometimes not on the 15th and so on, I felt very strange. Fact that under the person's breath, that is, according to internal causes and conditions - gas industry, the number of gas and wisdom, and external cause - the moon in orbit speed, and derived from the calendar, has a very strong logic.

. Therefore, if in the event of solar and lunar eclipses, or the fifth month, thirty days so that the point of running out of certain Qimai special stage, refinement of practice, the effect will be extraordinary. During this period

Why have a significant effect? Tibetan esoteric Buddhism that each of us every day of the respiratory rate is twenty-one thousand six hundred times per minute (fifth), the vast majority are gas industry (not clean, from the distractions of the factors), wisdom gas (with gas industry, the definition of contrast) the composition of very little. However, in these special days, most of the gas industry, gas becomes wisdom, and this is practice in these times there will be a great merit of the cause.

sometimes can not see the eclipse in our hemisphere, and on the other side you can see, but to see whether or not there is no right, as long as the solar eclipse or lunar eclipse in the event of the day, whether it is Scriptures, release or for any good deeds, will have a very strong merit, this is a special method of accumulation MERITS.

but the accumulation of the Pure Land Amendment Act MERITS, using a trick of the method. The trick is it? Is seven for. Maybe because we read every day for seven, a commonplace, that does not seem great, but not actually be so looked down upon for seven, because it is the Mahayana exoteric and esoteric most excellent method of accumulating MERITS.

, of course, the method also for the accumulation of MERITS Luo Man tea, etc., but there is not more talk about it. This is the second factor in the world reborn in paradise.

3, Bodhicitta.

we need to ask ourselves: the purpose of their world reborn in paradise what is it? If it is the corrupt world which is full of pain, such as human animate, aging, illness, death and other suffering eight other five beings also have their own grievances, especially the three lower realms, even more miserable, even the study of law had no chance to practice, so hope to escape from us by themselves, as soon as possible to Paradise to enjoy, this is not the behavior of the Mahayana Bodhisattva, Mahayana Bodhisattva more than amending the law. We can not have that idea, but to Bodhicitta.

Some people may ask: We are not compassion, and the degree to which the corrupt world of living beings it? So why go to paradise?

King Mani has said on many occasions the question: Now in the Dharma Ending Age, many people want to have excellent results on the practice is difficult, so we need to be reborn in paradise. As just said, reborn in paradise after the Dundee Buddha is at once a. Super Most Excellent ability to Buddha, to the degree of freedom to all beings. Because in Dundee after the moment (about a few seconds, not the smallest unit of time), you can mature a hundred individual nature of goodness, that is, let a hundred individual entry, then the energy level of every day tens of thousands of people. Since then, only be counted to the degree of real beings.

artificial even if we do not now have a strong state of mind, this is only good for the heart and only, after all, limited capacity, still can not really widely degrees of living beings. To the degree of early beings have the capacity, we must first be reborn in paradise.

King Mani's teachings in the last of which also have said: After I passed away, if there is freedom, then, is not immediately return to us by themselves, nor to other places to go, but first go bliss the world, won the majority in the bliss of the degree of viability immediately after the return to us by themselves, to the degree of beings (see Appendix 2).

Buddha in Paradise, after achievement of which could not possibly continue for their own happiness to stay there. Because the degree of Buddha shoulder the heavy responsibility of living beings, that is his job. This mission will inspire the degree of beings he immediately came back to that time, the degree of the ability of living beings than it is now, it has a world of difference out.

Thus, if we are to degrees of living beings, reborn in paradise is the best one of the world. On the surface, while the heart and the degree of beings, on the other hand they themselves have to go to Paradise, the two seems a bit contradictory. However, after the above observation can be a known, similar to the

without compassion, and that amending the law will not become law Mahayana, so be sure to Bodhicitta. Bodhicitta of amending the law, we have fully spoken, not repeat it here. This is the third factor.

4, and vow to return How

and vow to return it? In each meditation, release and other good things to a close, they should be good to be back to business. Back to the way ordinary previously mentioned, that is, If you want to be reborn in paradise, you need to add on this basis,

Second, when each issue is ready, but also added,

vow and return to the difference is: with or without vows when you can rely on good karma. For example, in the heart and after a good deed: Its characteristics are, vow made good before the industry can be said to rely on our good roots and vow, that is, back to; So what is the vow it? With or without good works, the heart of all issued desire to have called a vow. The feature is not necessarily good deeds before the vows. If we can always vow:

the future, we either return to or vow, we must vow to normal and return to the basis, add a desire to be reborn in paradise, plus every time, this is very, very important .

This is the fourth factor in the world reborn in paradise.

above four cause, in just the United States Rinpoche's Chanting, the ritual can not only read without thinking, reflect, and because the ritual is to facilitate visualization and made, Both of these two can not be ignored.

we were walking, car and other daily life, at any time should such a vow, and visualizing Amitabha, Amitabha prayer. Prayer to Buddha for blessing himself, at the time of death can immediately be reborn in paradise. Why?

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