Thursday, February 24, 2011

Sudan recalled

 From the last diary, has been more than two months. Blog has been overgrown with weeds, but they do not bother to weeding, and now finds himself becoming more and more lazy, no mood to write, I used to write things that have lost the passion away, and do not know why I've become so ...
transferred back to domestic work, the Sudan, as my second home, the future will go, but not resident there. Sudan gave me many memories, too many stories, too much thinking. in the Sudan flow through the blood flow through the sweat, of course, tears flee.
06   set foot on African soil that moment the scene is still distinctly in the head, for the first time to a strange country, to experience a strange life, this experience, I know I will experience the life of the most memorable period of time.
clearly remember, in Addis Ya Beiba transit and high altitude bursts of rain gives me chills;
clearly remember, in Khartoum out of the cabin, the world always brings me the stove Zhengkao;
clearly remember, then My colleagues say that the first sentence of the Sudan in English, in fact they can say in English so the standard;
clearly remember, my Chinese colleagues that the first sentence in Arabic, so much for those not willing to begging children the left, then know that they say is Fluce mafi (i have no money) and Alla Kreem (the god is generous)
clearly remember the moment the company to reach the shock, where we actually live in villas, blowing air conditioning, a computer, eating country food;
clearly remember the first visit the world famous Nile River excitement, pulled black brothers photography passion;
clearly remember the first set foot on the Nile Cruise the excitement of travel, first saw the junction of innocent wonder Nile;
clearly remember the first time the biting pain in an accident, the first witness other drivers die in misery, for the first time feeling the fragility of life. ..
clearly remember the first time to go out and do not understand their language embarrassment Ah, but fortunately, his hands and feet and use their I remember the first time to participate in Sudanese wedding fresh, for the first time and enthusiasm for dancing with the Sudanese people;
clearly remember the first time to sell fish's eyes Giblori Dam, the first thought that if I was a waterfowl and more Well, you can fly, can walk, you can swim;
clearly remember the first drink liquor so big gaffe when, from the powerful know Erguotou;
clearly remember the first barbecue with my colleagues string to happiness, though I burned the meat is a lot;
clearly remember the first time to play basketball embarrassment, never high temperature of about 40 degrees to play, did not play for ten minutes I get on the ground;
clearly remember the first gathering of friends in Khartoum, and since then loneliness and loneliness is killing a partner;
clearly remember the first time Chinese Bridge Competition, University of Khartoum for the audience, I actually met in Doha champion, true fate also;
clearly remember the first time to participate in activities to the embassy, Ambassador TRADITIONAL AND A language for the Sudanese people here sigh;
clearly remember, the first TV time in the tension on the Sudan, and Sudanese friends see me on TV after the excitement;
clearly remember the first time to play when the small pleasure of the pyramid, the tension when the camel and see the big amazed when fossil conch;
clearly remember the first awkward when learning to drive, but also for the first time to experience the joy of open Land cruiser;
clearly remember the first time learned to play guitar and colleagues happy Even if the expense fingertip skin violence;
clearly remember the first time and the Sudan when my colleagues to seriously study and silent as to the end of a student, I am a bit proud;
clearly remember, the first 4 years experience of Sudan, a sandstorm when the biggest sigh, the human face of nature is in how small;
clearly remember the first time his Notes on the Sohu home the thrill of thousands of visits and users of the message to I am more confident;
clearly remember the first time to see their article was published by China Auto News of the excitement, as a foreign name is Bo Sohu pride, but now unworthy of the title ...
clearly remember the first time before returning to the excitement, the first sigh of Dubai Duty Free luxury;
clearly remember that the first return to the motherland the thrill of emotion that really cold weather in China, China Building a good high, good white people of China!
too many memories can not list them, too many are unable to tell the story, only to leave later to recall, I believe, life experiences in the Sudan, will be my life The most precious memories!

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