Friday, February 11, 2011

Kankan see

 Some people think that memories are very exciting thing, I originally thought the same way, but now I do not like that, I'm awake.
Thing of the past be the past, they have been very tired, and it should get your rest, if we want to strive to disturb them, then they may be unhappy. Of course this is just my groundless conjecture, as it will upset I think not. The problem is that I'm unhappy to remember unpleasant things.
really remember is the happiness and unhappiness of the points, but the man is a very strange animal, when a person is happy, he generally threw himself in front of the happiness to enjoy , then recall becomes redundant. no matter what their memories are happy or unhappy.
painful time, but who is not the same, often recalling the tragic and tears to work together and, remembering his appearance will find the opportunity, at this time At the moment, painful memories will resonate with your pain at the moment, so you more pain. happy memories are just the right contrast contrasting role to play, so two-pronged approach, do not you think the pain is immune!
this way, had bitter memories of the pain because of the addition of memories become more painful, and had happy memories because of this guest appearance is also contaminated by the breath of pain, again and again, memories to only painful memories. those happy memories have been in a meeting of the baptism of the cake as long as deterioration of the hair.
I am now in the middle stages of a memory deterioration, at this stage, all the memories no matter happy or painful, always dubious, in between me and her, those happy memories of sweet delight at this time are very tragic, but why I was brought up not writing, not taught, so there is no difficult subject, I suspect that the spirit of the Japanese Ninja is a disappointment in love made the elite practice, because certainly very strong, I think they definitely strong enough to even the toilet without toilet paper do not care about such things, and if so, that they are really strong.
my ninja worship is evident between the lines, because they did not recall They do not self, I wanted to be no memories, so the development of their basic is my goal, why the basic? Because they do not have human nature, I would like to keep that point of human nature. and the ninja to show the difference. I do I hate to say this is not the assassination of the ninja spy, and so for the industry, only because after I found that my grandmother's neighbor to which the door is already dying yellow dog did not recall the grounds that it see who a decade ago not really know who to bite and bite a decade later with ease, it will find it if there are memories of an old acquaintance of the Dajiadouzhi hoped to reach in the introduction that it is very boring so it does not remember, since I do not want to have no memories and that only confuse the old dog and found that it did not just human, so I decided to give up the memories of Japanese ninja to retain humanity and to show the difference between the old dog.
I wrote so much, you must look out, I'm feeling very not good. I feel bad because there are many such I want to see a book can not find it beyond the pale, and then say I wear out one pair of iron shoes found a very good reputation in the film only to find it garbage.
said waste film is very good reputation, I would have thought of: people's eyes it really is not necessarily sharp, but the herd mentality that makes people a false changing trends in the real infinite . This can be said to me one of the words, but I now say there are bound to me that the reason, like doggy the dog days are shit reason to visit XX Shrine same. I do not have any political intent, nor wrong word, Canis Minor is the dog's name, XX Shrine is a trash can, after all, everyone has their own stand by that something important and worthwhile, even if there is a dog, too, is the Complex. For we are talking about a herd mentality, in human history , there too often because of blind obedience to the human disaster caused by the most classic and I was most reluctant to mention the example of the Cultural Revolution. When most of the burst, when human reason, few people will know what to do, personality either broken or twisted together.
Looking back, those who walked the streets of our parents really are some distorted memories.
fact, people from blind obedience to ancient times to develop a social unconscious on The desire to seek security and protection to meet the strange psychology. may say illusion, is a person with social proof The building, destroyed by barbaric means. surviving building in the elite and easy, or that people mm we want to stress the basic features of their mm and their relatives, before the Sept. 11, in 2001, September 11 No, there was that one can think of their own lives or their loved ones because of the manner in which this brutal end? They are the so-called successful people, I want to be in the eyes of most of it, but life is so fragile . as easily as the flowers fade. we all together, create a false sense of security, a person may feel frightened alone through the night, two people will support each other, each to each other courage. Although the road or so, have real The danger is still useless, but with false sense of security to really good point. those same victims, innocent bystanders dead, too, because they are surrounded by too many people or only familiar with their environment where the false sense of security. We will feel safe at home because we are too familiar with the family, the familiar will bring false sense of security. that two aircraft rushed to the WTO is the life of some human can not resist the unexpected things, such things often give the illusion betray oneself.
some things are human can not resist, and perhaps one day sit in Fangshan has put out the fire that the old volcanic temper uh, South Canton H ~ ~ ~ no, and maybe even scared my grandson, when looking back on it, hey, I do quite prescient.

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