Wednesday, February 16, 2011

[Original] Autumn Love

 Autumn treasurer has changed.
While this change, many do not see everyone, but I know, she really changed.
Each morning to prevent any person entering this elegant, she is still personally This elegant room wiping the table, still will be the set of Yixing tea on the table for the dining rooms still add a bunch of new flowers off.
daily sunset, autumn shopkeeper put the restaurant closed, private rooms within the light only that lights up. dining rooms, only one person on the table are two pairs of chopsticks, the food is personally fall under the kitchen dispensers, wine dispensers since the fall of the wine personally 5 years ago. autumn dispensers pour, held cups, dishes stood directed, no one's side gently smile, real estate broker for a shelter, drank the wine cup. the number of cup and drink stop, cheeks slightly tipsy feeling through the autumn Painting dispensers stand up, moving towards more than one side fragrant curls of the Guqin, real estate broker Qingbo, voiceless flow from the fingertips, along with the fall of affection dispensers finger dump, drop pearl jade plate, Qinru heart, not the road that could not finish a . autumn treasurer fingers fiddle with the strings, eyes still look to the table and dishes that did not move at, and is absolutely not the night sound of the piano.
dawn when the autumn re-see also the table and dispensers to clean up good and then carefully wipe, put the set of Yixing tea, put the beam of elegant pear branches.
so day after day, until the day that refined Guanye once again came to the restaurant, the pupil of the eye between the fall of dispensers have become more vivid, although the unto a Guanye sit down, but not to that room every night wait a long time in the dining rooms, conversations, and I know that Guanye surname exhibition, thirty-two after that Guanye got up to leave, before he left saying: ; autumn treasurer, you lean a lot, please take care. just speechless looking at the seats, drinking until dawn. The next day, the restaurant is temporarily closed dispensers fall, rush out the door, until a month later, in autumn dispensers shuttles back to the restaurant. Since then, the fall began dispensers the previous day, the daily early morning cleaning, tea, flowers, night the music, drink alone.
I asked Autumn treasurer, to whom a private room is left, and her eyebrows with a touch of melancholy, if it seems to be no laughter, in fact, I know, it is to have a he loves this, this is his favorite melodies first, this wine is his favorite, the man cloud, even if these are his favorites, but in the end is not to keep him, this to be is gone forever.
he held you? I have asked the autumn treasurer, is still a touch of melancholy, if there seems to be no laughter, gently shaking his head. against him, did not fall dispensers always say to me sentence.
year after the clear, I took my paper money and incense and white candles came to a grave, the monument's name is Autumn Heart.
that room dining rooms, each morning wipe the table or by the people, display tea, flowers, night there dishes, wine, but no sounds.
for her to continue and so the emergence of man, which is before death fall treasurer, will be the only restaurant to pay for my condition, because she has been I believe, even if she is not, one day he will appear, will be.

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