Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Fagan special case of fear of being injured Yao Ming, Rockets difficult to have proper trade waste

 YORK, January 17 report:

Hawks win over the Rockets, the current has to fly back to Houston in preparation for tomorrow morning against the Bucks. Yao Ming, the Rockets have to reimburse an list; and Yao's injury a special case that may be wasted, because time is too short a time the rocket is hard to find a suitable trade or free.

has been included in the daily watch list.

cause is away with the Hawks game yesterday Section II, state brave Patterson playing power forward shot 3 after 3, 6 points in one breath, play off the bench to lead the wave of a small climax. Played just did not expect less than 4 minutes, he suddenly felt unwell, chest pain and congestive sense of emergency had to be substituted Scola. After Patterson had wanted to see a break in the bench again, but he can not hold on, feeling more and more uncomfortable, the ambulance was immediately sent to the nearby Philips Arena in Atlanta, a hospital for treatment.

Fortunately, after checking through the local hospital did not find any serious illness, possibly influenza cause chest discomfort. As far as the Rockets team doctor said before the game starts Patterson fact there have been some influenza symptoms, but in order to help the team out of losing streak, the Rockets 14, chose to uphold the rookie race. It appears that Patterson participate in tomorrow's home game with the Bucks is unlikely, the Rockets will not risk to let him play sick, he needs to accept more detailed checks to ensure that only influenza mischief. Tomorrow is the annual United States, Martin - Luther - King Day, Patterson had to worry at home recuperating.

same time, the Union government has approved two days ago because of Yao Ming, Rockets apply for reimbursement of a special case of injury, worth about 580 million dollars, this special case both for trade between the teams, but also can be used to directly sign a free agent. However, the Union attached the condition that must be used before January 31, expired. Fagan then asked the fans, the Rockets how to use this particular case?

1 by the end of the transaction is difficult to find suitable; if it is intended to introduce a free man, then the Rockets have to cut a player in advance, make a team places that can be accepted by the introduction of players, this is not half past one will be able to accomplish.

addition, there are signs that the Currently the Nets, the Knicks are still the two main buyers, they also are linked together in order to get the piston melon, the Grizzlies and other teams to do three transactions, and Anthony himself more inclined to go to New York to play, whether or Nick Nets Sri Lanka can be accepted. But Fagan does not think so, he was still a chance that the other teams, including rockets, because the Nets and Knicks are not willing to accept a burden.

Dayton. What it means, who wants to take over Harrington, who received the possibility of melon will become larger. Harrington small forward 5 years to 33.44 million dollar contract not due until the summer of 2015, Denver hopes in the transaction, while tying Harrington melon, which made some teams hesitant.

(This article Source: NEW YORK Author: Ying Zhaji)

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