Monday, January 17, 2011

Audit Commission audit of public revenue and expenditure of the year 2009 rectification

 Audit issued 17 audit No. 1 of 2011 results announcement, made public the 2009 central budget implementation and other financial revenue and expenditure audit results of the rectification of identified problems . As of the end of 2010, there are 1103 people have been party and government discipline; audit found that the 104 criminal cases transferring suspected of discipline inspection and supervision and the judiciary, after investigation, there are 95 people were arrested according to law, prosecution or sentencing.

In addition, the audited units have been recovered, returned, allocated 122.3 billion yuan of funds to restore or prevent loss of 7.7 billion, by adjusting the accounts, and to take asset preservation, etc. rectification 48.2 billion; the audit observations and recommendations, to develop and improve the rules and regulations 1773.

Audit were also specifically in the announcement published financial management audit identified the central problem of the rectification of the central department budget execution audit rectification of the problems discovered in the local budget and local government debt management audit of the rectification of identified problems, the audit major investment projects in the rectification of identified problems, focusing on the people's livelihood and the livelihood projects fund the rectification of the problems discovered in the audit, resources and environmental audit identified the rectification of the problem, the financial institutional audit of the rectification of identified problems, corporate audit identified the rectification of the problem and strengthen the implementation of financial management advice.

2010   6   23 of the Eleventh National People's Congress held its fifteenth meeting considered the Auditor-General Liu Jiayi audit commissioned by the State Council's central budget implementation and other financial revenue and expenditure audit reports,

State Council departments, units and regions in accordance with the requirements of the NPC Standing Committee and the Audit Commission's audit decision issued according to law, conscientiously carried out rectification. December 22, 2010, the General Office of the NPC Standing Committee to the Eighteenth Meeting of the Eleventh National People's Congress issued the transfer of the State Council on the 2009 central budget implementation and other financial revenue and expenditure audit identified the problem rectification case letter.

details, please click: 2011 No. 1: the end of 2010 the Department transferred 28 cases have gone through the situation

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