Thursday, December 16, 2010

Colorful pictures colored sand mandala Tantric - perfect combination of perseverance and faith

 Tantric belief is very unique, is unique to Tibetan religion; even after several years of Chinese rule, the people as to who to believe. Mysterious rituals and customs, so that believers were released from the material world, and obtained enlightenment , such as a pile of colored sand mandala is a very esoteric art, but for the most important ceremony of the preparation. Tantrism is the contrast between opposing forces, male and female, reached its full and empty, and void of all things All this is absolutely self-established, through both the control, the human can understand the mysterious elements of the absolute self-payment profile (Dkyil Vkhor), Translation of Tantric practitioners of rituals or the mandala, Tantric deity of the temple, saying 'Mandala'. derived from the ancient Indian tantric activities, a temple was built with earth system into round or square altar table, later to artistic the performance of this temple. Tibet mandala and graphic three-dimensional mandala, gold contour map is the Mandala plane. This map skeleton structure: shape is a perfect circle in the middle there is a the scope of that type of profile of the Golden Buddha in Tibetan Buddhism temple, surrounded by four doors of the house and the decoration. Most of the mandala is the sand or rocks with colorful powder, cereal non-permanent materials such spread from hand twist, the process has strict rules and details of the requirements, structure, location, length, name and other key areas must not be mistaken, usually by trained monks perform, of course, is not static. some of the edge is also decorated with brocade mandala for decoration, a variety of Chifu mandala, a big one meter square, the larger the size of the mandala has fifty-six square meters, bright, like a tiled tapestries, deemed fine architectural model, called the religious Art is a must. After the ceremony, the mandala will be deliberately destroyed, which will be swept clean of sand and poured into a nearby stream or river, so it was almost performance art today. For the mandala, the Buddhist circles is explained: the tantric initiations ceremonies have drawn to the mandala with colored sand to greet the coming of wisdom holy beings, and the line beyond the space-time Segmentation of blessing and the divine and the mundane preaching. Legislative Council of the end of the color immediately Mandala sand rubbing to make, and the treasures of powder into the sweeping clean, water-holding sector to increase the living beings. This is clear to the cause of Buddhism began in nothing, and can set the situation right solemn mandala, and then expand the use of the power transition , after all, still go nowhere. so in full compliance with the universe continue to experience health, housing, different, off the move forward, there is no stagnation, grasping, have been able to spread the lineage of enlightenment continues endlessly in order to keep Rescued beings to carry out big business. If we can understand the profound meaning herein probably know I make good use of his life would also be conducted this predicament, but not for the life and death, zero-interference constraints. mandala: a transliteration of the Sanskrit mantra , Tibetan must be an object of worship. on the plane can be divided into four kinds, namely, a large mandala, the mandala wild shamisen, law and karma mandala mandala. large shrine to green, yellow, red, white, black 5 color, with a total collection of mandala and Zhuzun Zhuzun the body, one by one depicting Zhuzun. This 5 colors represent earth, fire, water, wind, air; shamisen wild mandala painting Zhuzun not directly image only describe the identification and fingerprints Zhuzun, so this idea directly Zhuzun wish of the oath; law mandala, the main picture Zhuzun seed mantra and all the text by Henry, said the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas text Mandala Seeds , it is also known as seed mandala. practitioner representatives to see the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, said each of the first Sanskrit alphabet, just as the same audience with Zhuzun; karma mandala shape depicted Department of Buddhas, Bodhisattvas majesty Mandala cause, and Buddhas and Bodhisattvas of the cast, like, pictures and pinch like other sculptures. mandala drawing must be enshrined in a fixed format, the specifications of size statues are clearly defined, shall not be altered so as not to reduce its sanctity.

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