Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Non-mainstream joke

woman reported:

a woman said her husband of cheating: If you dare to marry the young goblins of divorce, I married the monster her father, then on, his son called you brother, you have to call my mom! My husband fainted, from neatly ... ...

his wife can spend huge amounts of money to do a cosmetic, a few days into a beautiful home! Door, a look of wonder on her husband, said:

day suddenly found that I had aunt, Er Yi, four aunt, five aunt, but did not Sanyi. So to ask my father: Why did not I Sanyi? Heart is also thought for a moment: Is when Sanyi in small dead? My dad angrily: You Sanyi is your mother!

case of a girl gang of late. Vicious criminals Q: Stop! Why go? Girls want to be robbing, then miserable Road: to borrow money. Vicious criminals still ask: Why go to borrow money? Girls fear of being Jiese, sidewalk: a sexually transmitted disease no money rule. Criminals roar: Go!

Mr. A mobile phone that his wife is often a stranger's message, and the contents of each message is the same: the derailment of his wife and catch the man that is sexual immorality, the cursed: TMD, you think that I can not read text messages? read backwards is

boy told the girl: I see you and your family together in the school, you wear the dress are so beautiful!!

saying a little secret bank finally forced open the safe and found that there are not a penny,'d put a few jelly, thieves puzzling, but not white like Come on, put jelly to eat. The next day, Mr. Thief specifically bought a newspaper to see their money from a bank can bring much impact, hey, since on the headlines: the only sperm bank in the city last night and stolen!

Bear to marry a dog, Bear said: marry a cat, I was born after the Panda!

clinic sitting in front of 3 kids - boy, little boys and girls. The nurse asked: children, trouble? Boy: I swallowed a glass ball. The nurse asked another: you? Girl: That glass ball is mine. Nurses asked: Which are you? Boy: Then I play!

Somali pirates: three million! but seven million invoice to write!

a buddy next door to a new child moved to a foreigner, the foreigner night knock on the door for help, said: TV from seven to half past seven in the evening will be like.

priests play golf, watch the nuns, the first shot missed, the priest scolded: You as a priest of God to punish the bad language. Father wonder: Why is my curse, why nuns hack it? Then came the sky, just listen to the voice of God:

7-year-old niece and I insisted the 20-year-old adults with a shower, while washing also says:

day, my brother went to play basketball Normal Primary and heard a low-grade girls in the playground side of a low-grade boys asked: I have 3 dollars, of which five have so you take two snacks, and you say I love your !!!

elderly deathbed points heritage. To the eldest son said: Finally, the younger son, said: There are more than 300 young girls, the number is ******。

Academy of the body class, a girl painted painted with the pen on the floor angrily rebuked the male model: while great for a while small, in the end also allowed not to let anyone to paint!

a girl bought a brand-name children after moderation package, excited to partner dignitaries: Companion said:

wife and husband each fight, his wife went to the toilet to stay a long time, so more often, my husband is very curious and asked his wife:

home in fear son: Dad was very angry:

led to a phone in the hands of the mini three is set to trip. Pro out, told his wife in the back:

Li to immigrate to the U.S., leadership asked him: dissatisfied?

Chinese leaders and U.S. leaders are more loyal than anyone else's bodyguard, U.S. leaders ordered bodyguards jump from the 10th floor, kneeling bodyguard, said: Then U.S. president relented. China's leaders ordered guards to jump off, apart from anything else the Chinese guards would jump. U.S. President scared quickly pulled him. China's bodyguard, said:

scripts: just joined the Office of the Secretary, Office of the Director's wife rushed in, waving a women's briefs, the Secretary said: . The Secretary nodded yes yes, dig into the pockets of the briefs. Home in the evening, the Secretary found his wife washing clothes pocket briefs Secretary, the Secretary said:

male students travel to a place, the women students to see him, they talk about wages, male students asked: Han mentioned the money, you go to bed, I went to take a shower.

someone asked the doctor: Jiese. / p>

on the plane, was shocked to see a beauty sitting in my position. So I asked a gentleman: 36A What you do? mm even blushing should be said: I ... I ... ... I Khan 36B ah: my sister ... I think ... I think you misunderstood, I mean my child is a window seat 36A's!

once to the hotel to stay the night, I was confused and suddenly heard someone knocking at the door for questioning. Woman: Is anyone there? Me: What can I do it? Woman: I would like to ask the next guy, how to write ah Kunming Kunming? Me: Oh, above a day, following a more than .....( Khan)! F: So we Queensland please? I fainted, miss not scary, Miss literate. Weighs.

Classic men

Forum landlord: you women bra is not big summer hot?
Forum replies: We do not take you will be hot ... ...
landlord: I took my dog ​​to beat it! It does not tell me the earthquake, usually screamed so Huan, just nothing like an earthquake feverish sleep in the nest!
Re: Well, after all, not own the ... ...
landlord: his wife gave birth to a baby girl, very cute, ask you to help her daughter with momentum from a name, I surname into.
Re: the chicken into the thinking of Chinese.
landlord: Give me a woman, I can create a nation!
Re: ah, to give you a sow, meat prices could fall next year!
landlord: I skipped classes in college, hanging over Branch, extraordinary rejection, being left off, a fight, demerits too, breaking off at the ... ... hey, I have done a competent ~
Re: you died before?
landlord: Please describe in one sentence of China National Seismic.
Re: after the fact, like pigs in advance!
landlord: a beginning all in terms of KB, the middle of funny, tragic story. For example, a ghost once, put ass, and then died.
Re: Sister Furong met, fell in love with Sister Furong, Furong sister married ... ...
Ya landlord: a day in front unit of the group of idiots to speak I feel the future is very slim ... ... < br> Re: Well now you ~ because casting pearls before swine is not terrible, terrible day in front of a group of cattle you playing!
landlord: Shenzhen South head of a female street vendor selling pineapple so he bit off a small city managers Uncle JJ ... ...
Re: Hmm! You will not let me live, I will not let you enjoy life! ! !
landlord: In fact, Newton's law of gravity is just lucky enough to find, if Early three hundred years, I can!
Re: really lucky, because he hit his head on a Mac, and hit his head on the poor landlord is not durian coconut ... ...
landlord: It is miserable being called Uncle Just call my brother badly? Strong storm
Re: Uncle your brother out.
landlord: City manager to add new weapons came for the stray dog! Strong storm
Re: This is the same root, to fratricidal.
landlord: Why more and more people do not want children? Strong storm
Re: Beijing sent officials said, to start with children.
landlord: see today has been hinting to each other male friends to go to bed, ask: Is it to meet anyone is to go to bed? Strong storm
Re: do not go to bed to meet anyone? Are you kidding, we all so busy.
landlord: a student, grades every year countdown to the first, often with a fight, according to leadership requires teachers to give students nicely final reviews, how to write ah? Strong storm
Re: the student performance and stability, strong hands.
landlord: event dead by drinking mineral water, Hainan, China's food safety can be seen worrying, drink mineral water is also dead? Is not a QS logo? Strong storm
Re: Weak weak ask, QS is not meant to die?
landlord: a man you have to Li or Zhang Ziyi?
strong storm response: a rooster, a pheasant, not chosen
landlord: a dog and a man which support cost-effective? Strong storm
Re: ladies, even if you can make a man as a dog, but you dare not take the dog when a man makes?
landlord: Sister Furong Li and out of the water at the same time, there is a brick in your hand, you hit who? Strong storm
Re: Who hit who save.
Forum landlord: I have a million, want to buy a car, we Jigejianyi it. 21:
Forum landlord: Chen Liang Wang Xiaoya married with, please use the words comment.
Forum replies: Ah from good to it!
Forum landlord: you say I look a lot like Wu Bai?
Forum Replies: Only half of the image! (Hundred and fifty ??!!)
Forum landlord: Men last night, when walking the dog and the big mastiff edge of the wood of a bald wild dogs together. Dry! Tibetan Mastiff actually did not expect a big loss to grass dog! ! !
Forum sofa :****, bald before God, they call me the lion!
Forum landlord: Guess what country I am a hybrid of ^ _ ^
Forum Re: Chinese + deformation of magic!
Forum landlord: girlfriend always says he's a small chest, I felt that I could, ah, you have to help identify what GG Forum ~
Forum sofa: length of both the back acne!
Forum landlord: If I have a million yuan, I can loan to buy a house in the Tomson Riviera!
Forum Re: ah, but you're going to borrow money to pay property charges ~
Forum landlord: he vows that today, I was part of his life, I was part of his body, If not me, he can not live 啦 ~
Forum couch: My ex-boyfriend said so, but then I realized I was his appendix, appendix, Aberdeen ears, six refer to such non-essential stuff child!
Forum landlord: his aging mother I am so rich, I buy a nanny what car?
Forum replies: That depends on the development of her husband to tell you anything to do with the ~
Forum landlord: damn barber cut my head bad! All the points Sunzhao require destructive bigger the better, the smaller the movement the better, because I go alone.
Forum Basement: middle of the night, a dark and stormy, quietly, gently, a man hanged in the barber shop door ... ...
Forum landlord: how do I got amnesia?
Forum Re: Would not it be cool? Woke up every morning to sleep in their own side, a different woman ~
Forum landlord: Do you have a child grow up what kind of fantasy will let you in front of the scene stole the show ?
Forum bench: pick a load of manure to the streets to see who dislike his head thrown poured on!
Forum landlord: Why pol.ice Zhuahuai Ren Ming when the siren to be? Not afraid to hear bad boss ran away?
Forum sofa: higher-level units to check the advance notice before the usually lower unit ~
Forum landlord: Why keep up the father of a child born last name?
Forum sofa: Because ATM card where people spit all the money go.
Forum landlord: Shuai there ass to use - Death is not the end, eat!
Forum Re: Shuai have disabilities to accompany, a gun fight, might ride, a car seat, have similar secret crush ... ... handsome how bad? ! !
Forum landlord: Call for the most ruthless and does not reveal dirty curse of the word.
forum post 31: When your mother is not at you threw the man, the placenta was raised?
Forum landlord: Why is President Hu's visit to Japan, Japan more distant, and even the airport did not even welcome sign hanging?
Forum sofa: how to hang? Warm welcome to old friends of China to Japan?
landlord: I like a little 6-year-old than my girl, still in junior high school, really commit a sin ah. Strong storm
Re: to commit a sin that is really like to get rid of the word.
Forum replies: You can sell 30 QQ, set a team to open, one will be arranged in S-type, one will be arranged in B-type.

the highest level of betrayal

101 bus to work, overcrowding. close the door and a woman, the men wear glasses, carry a bag, look Okuma Suo, woman standard OL look. They brazenly talk: M: your husband is not home tonight, right? (around quiet a lot about ...)
F: ah, who are in the field this week.
M: That can play out tonight? (next door to the uncle turned around to see ..)
Female: Well you want to play Zage? (next door to the aunt also turned over ..)
Male: Same old Caesar, I open the room (next door to the secondary school students also turned over ...)
Female: cut, you open room I do not come to it, or I drive (all surprise ...)
M: Okay, Caesar, you drive, I came to death you (the people suck down a cold lump around ...)
Female : thought I was bullied, said, I do not know what get what, too much not to beg for mercy (the people's eyes light exudes BS)
M: You then fierce and I can only accompany you to an hour in the evening I would like to accompany me girlfriend (carriage with murderous ...)
Female: call her Laishua Caesar (Faint ...)
M: She will only Landlords, does not play mahjong. ... (all runaway)

The most important thing

wake up one morning and found his wife dead in bed. He quickly jumped up, his face pale, stumbled, ran down the stairs shouted: Chinese victims of history's most historical joke (^_^)
One day, I wish the Chih-shan told Flirting: the mountain there lived a widow, widowed three years to a life of chastity, only keeps an eagle had each other. If you can get the woman, then I wish you five sticks of mountain body cast on. Snowster think about it a few days to wish Chih-shan back on message. Two days later, the skies. Middle of the night, Flirting climb the mountain, to the widow house. Flirting knocked on the door and asked: Flirting at the door, thanks again and again, and then asked again: At this time, Flirting asked:
Flirting drinking water, look very late, and asked the widow: , Flirting into the room, but also rude, it fell down to sleep. The next day morning, enjoy a display up early, crept into the yard, and she saw the bird the eagle had each other. Flirting seize the eagle, the hair is pulled down; then, and the widow did not say hello to return home.
a few days, Flirting, and Zhu Zhi Shan at home playing chess, heard someone knocking at the door. Zhu Zhi Shan opened the door, turned out to be the widow, the widow saw Flirting on the use of Mandarin yells: let you. you want rain, I'll let you shelter from the rain; you off, I'll let you off; you have to scoop, I'll ladle; you want to spend the night, I let you stay overnight. you! you Why are my hair plucked the eagle?
classic mistake

1 nurse to see patients in the ward to drink, went over quietly told said: the man is about to get off to a pack of cigarettes out on the pedal, so quickly on the man said: Comrade, you smoke out! Man was furious: it steers you out!

3. a male toilet constipation, to find that one person ran into the room the instant the wind and rain. Secretary of trying to take advantage machines show off his English, shouted: hi! That is called

5. on the bus, standing beside women sitting on the strange man said: You do not know if I pregnant? I saw men look very nervous and said: O can not my child!

6. the people: the military prostitutes in it? Army: Yes Yes, there is no discipline and how the line! Man: Really! To pay for it? Army: This would also like any money Yeah, we are unified discipline handed down from above.

7. female secretary:
8. Wang wife was pregnant with the quadruplets, and to show off to all her neighbors, pregnant with quadruplets is not easy, said an average of one patient to sixty thousand times before. Lee was shocked: That you have space to do housework?

9. children are considered Mother interrupted: Well this issue is very simple, we all know that if children like his father, and that is genetic; as neighbors, it is the environment.

10. woman said: Why do you look so old fashioned it? , Said: If you like the words of the renminbi, but also care about what year it is issued you

College Humor spoof of the classic comedy song

1. Cyndi
Comment: not so complicated now!
2. Faye Wong
Comments: to return it?
3. Jackie Chan
Comments: You need to melatonin!
4. Elva Hsiao
Comments: Yes, mature!
5. hackberry Men should not have too tired.
Comments: What a thoughtful husband and wife ah!
7. Jiang Yu Heng, not afraid of anything.
Comments: It was more courageous people!
8. papers published in Comments: Little Red Riding Hood, come! Listen Lang Waipo tell you stories!

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