Thursday, March 31, 2011

Yang Lan said , very classic!

 Man's face is not handsome, but in years of accumulated wisdom and calm.
2. hard, too comfortable life; comfortable, had a hard day.
3. Marriage requires another outside the bonds of love, is not the most robust of a child, not money, but about the spirit of common development, it is a partnership. Time in the most helpless and weak, in the most depressed and lackluster, there he (she) hold up your chin, straighten your spine, the command you be strong and stay with you about the fate of a common subject. At that time, the feelings between you but love, and utter devotion of loyalty, never betray a tacit understanding, and kindness Mingxinkegu.
4. I have often asked the secret of success, in fact, there are only three: first, self-confidence and his letter; second encounter unfair things are right frame of mind; third, first, to create for others, to establish a good the interpersonal atmosphere. Even if a scientist today to the results, a person can not be fully arranged, more and more important in today's individual labor, cooperation particularly valuable. Of course, the key to the success of each person is different, if you are a timid person, the key to success is courage, if you are an adventurous person, the key to success may be widely Nabokov made, I still believe, face the past We must ask why, and the future, we should ask why not?
5. I want to give you a word, good woman is no good end, unless you find a good husband.
6. What makes us continue to move on after the disappointment? Is called
7. sometimes teasing fate lies in the fact you have been hesitant, until finally determined, the time has come to a curtain call.
8. you can not succeed, but you can not grow. Some may hinder your success, but no one will stop you grow.
9 .. reality is always less than perfect, so hope is like a gamble. Lost very painful, it would rather not pursue it?
11. young, when you begin to get too easy, you think that is the result of my efforts, only turning back, more mature when you are gone you may find that many people are actually holding you.
12. is such a noisy time, your mood depends on your voice heard today from the direction. The face of the era of massive information, and sometimes you will not help to find all the sounds right about face, no choice will drown you, so you can not figure out exactly how your mood.
13. In my opinion the toughest ties of marriage, not children, not money, but to grow spiritually. Love is sometimes a loyalty, not only that this person is very ill, or he broke you still with him. There is another, and when he feel very confused, very painful, and even angry at your body, you still know he loves you. I experienced a lot of confusion, but my husband Wu belongs to the kind of special sense of obligation, no matter how you like, I'll go with you together. These forces are very powerful. When you walk through that period of time, turn around and you will be particularly grateful to that person.
14. full of wise words, I am very grateful.
15. these children have lost their mother, but can not lose maternal love, long life in post-disaster reconstruction, education, psychological counseling and other aspects, to help them grow up healthily. I especially hope that this action was the participation of more female friends, to the loss of his mother sent the children motherly love.
16. I remember that I graduated from college in 1990, when we are playing with a manual typewriter paper. Later, a graduate student gave me a 286 computer. On one occasion, but also play paper, hit three or four o'clock in the morning when, crash, and the content did not save, I started to cry, this article the next day to pay, and something written in front could not remember. To the end of that time felt the same, but still re-written to wipe away the tears. This experience is very valuable for me. I always feel like I do now thanks to my willpower, I will not admit defeat, at this point, I feel I am successful.
17. Life is far from certain, as I take a hot air balloon experience. Hot air balloon operator can do is adjust the height of the balloon to capture a different direction, and the specific routes and placement of the balloon to dignity. This is exactly the charm of a hot air balloon: there is the possibility of control, but also retains the uncertainty, so any precise set of flight than are more exciting. In fact, the pleasure of life, too, all in between this set and the uncertainty, you never know how successful or not, enjoy the process is most important.
18. Whether it is
Lan classic quotations: make friends with the thinking.

one: to develop reading habits
in the process of interaction with others, conversation and self-cultivation is to conquer others. Like reading the girl, she must be silent and have a good attitude, must speak correctly and elegantly intellectual export woman.
II: a taste
taste is a person to see things in the attitude, the same thing, different people look different the next version will appear. In some extent, a person's taste and her temperament is complementary, depending on the level of quality in daily life of a girl on the discovery of new things.
Third: To try to discover the beauty of life do not always remind myself
encounter misfortune, to know in this world than you have a lot of people, unfortunately, as long as they looked up to see the sun is lucky, advertised himself as a man what kind, she can only live in their own hearts to set their own prison, only the positive sentiment will make life better, that tomorrow will be better than today, if you worked hard society must be fair, do not complain about life, or you can prove that no real effort.
four: the excellent and thoughtful person with friends
to begin a purpose to choose friends and social contacts in the very important, do not make friends easily, but make friends, you will be on They pay a sincere, good or bad you people, others are clearly visible. With their own faith with those who thought it best to make friends!
five: the bubble away from the television drama
Prince Charming and Cinderella are all life long for a boy or girl, it does not really exist, and girls should not indulge in this build false fairy tale atmosphere, it will allow them to directly influence their outlook on life and values, like get rich overnight, or in life there may be destitute, and no love and affection, as the film and will never be cruel.
learn patience and tolerance because there may be some time because you care about to make you lose self-esteem, to be blamed for uneducated women. Good friendly people who smile, that is able to shame the other side, and can leave a generous and considerate to others a good impression. Patience is not weakness, nor is Shangzi Zun, but tolerant United States. Life will encounter a lot of unfair things that you will encounter many people who can not accept, we can not try to change others, very angry with the behavior of loudly accusing others, it is better to understand the mentality to each other With a smile, no one person will not hurt a good person.
seven: a healthy mind, body
focus on their own body is the most important, I believe everyone knows, but when done really is not a simple matter. Twenties girl has been in the diet should start to pay attention.
Eight: Let beauty be your capital
at the appropriate time to hold enough of your beautiful voice. Good looks are not every girl has, let your good looks to become the capital, when needed with the use of it and it can open a lot of difficulties in your life, although sometimes people say that girls are beautiful vase However, if placed in a vase right place, it is art. Has a beautiful appearance but also has the inherent wisdom of women is excellent.
Nine: left any one man, you are alive and well
who can grasp the feeling things are not won, and why to be a man and let yourself in an unpleasant mood as well? One does not know how to appreciate your man, you are not eligible sad sad for him, every girl is beautiful, she was waiting for a man who appeared to understand her, a man of the left, can only say that a man who understands you has not yet appeared, a man not a girl full of life.
once I thought I left him I could not live, then I asked myself a hundred times: to leave him, I can not live? Results One hundred twenty times the answer is: I will live well. The girls do not trample on their own, do not think that compromises will be able to return a man's love, love is beautiful, the girls are beautiful, and no desecration of a man! Appreciate you leave the men do not understand, this is the most magnificent turn, though unwilling, but it hurts, but so have no energy to operate your work or study.
Ten: with financial motivation, learning investments to business
twenties girl, we must learn to financial management, no matter how much your income now, we must plan a future for you, the wise woman should know how to spend money, it is still an art.
XI: Love and marriage is jointly owned
girl to the twenties, we must face the pressure of the marriage, and some people will say Love and marriage are two different things, a man married woman is able to live together , not necessarily their true love, a woman to marry is to give yourself a warm and comfortable home, but does not have to be that their true love. Faced with these words, like a lot of people are married to marriage, family and social pressures, in order to get married and get married. Some people marriage is a purpose may be to make themselves a place to stay, it may be helpful to the cause of the future, there may be what your body from the other side.
ask those sweet wedding, you know sometimes love and marriage is jointly owned, the so-called marriage is the tomb of love, can only say do not know how to operate the two sides of love, I believe when two people decide to get married , the two sides must have feelings for each other, just days after marriage for love become dull. This is just because after marriage, men and women have laid down their love of romance, into the work. Those who do not marry the girl, do not get married away for certain purposes, marriage is a very simple thing, Do not get so complicated, I believe that every girl is eager to love. When the girl met the man when his beloved, you will find, want him, it may not matter rich or poor, does not matter of life and death. Do not marry the girl to get married, and do not want a life to get married.
second: Who says women than men and girls to
twenties, we must firmly believe that whether in life or in the workplace, not only men could have made contributions to the capital there are many women in the slightly dominant women in the workplace, and in some industries, women will play their own unique strengths to Pinbo a woman in the kitchen do not always think about the development, the ability of the female talent that allows men to appreciate, now unfashionable housewives the role of the outside world has a lot of wonderful women waiting to pursue. Women do not want to attach
a man in this society, no one will be no reason to care who. How to attach a man a woman, she did not own thoughts, compulsive in this environment, men also like to have personality and capable woman. To it, as long as you have your own piece of the sky, you afraid of this piece of sky without clouds it? As long as you are a talented woman and a man not afraid to enjoy the good you?
Thirteen: to find a husband can help you achieve your dream girl
to the twenties, it has to have a clear dream, and then to fight for this dream, when you do identify after a dream Do not change, just like when you find that can help you achieve your dream of a man, do find ways to make him as your husband. Some women dream of their own do not think one person can achieve, or some very good woman, maverick want through their own efforts to realize their dreams, but if backed up with a man, this dream can be well implemented, in particular, to provide financial support to the men.
life now seems to be little girls have dreams, some girls just want to have a simple work with simple love, and a man happy life together. But the real good men, they will want their wife is ambitious woman, so if a woman has a dream, a man will fully support. Women can make their dreams with a man to marry together with their own, as long as he is willing to help you achieve your dreams, to appreciate that he is your man.
fourth: let young wanton some smiles to some of
twenties, after the girl, that is, positive youth, youth can have a lot of unbridled brand-release. Girls can be stubborn when appropriate, we could be proud when appropriate, we could make those beautiful lips slightly affects. Is the most beautiful girls in their twenties, and can freely laugh, cry can be stubborn. Girls do not afraid of losing their twenties, youth is just beginning, we have lost the capital, we can re-start their pursuit. Twenties, most girls really do themselves, leave the most beautiful smile, so that the presentation of love are sharp, to Ganaiganhen, dare to seek.
after the girl to the twenties, is the most beautiful flower in full bloom, flowering season of girls have to remember that open only to watch herself, do not let their flowering period for others to accept unnecessary destruction. Twenties girl is a cup of tea, one of the delicate taste must be left to people who know, do not let people who do not taste the pure flavor of your violation. Twenties girl is the sky blue chip, but it is sad, it can be large, but, remember, it must be a pursuit.

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