Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Find emerging global innovation and technology center

 Editor's Note
Recently, the State Council approved construction of the Zhongguancun Science Park, National Innovation Model Area. Approved that Zhongguancun to the guidance of scientific concept of development, developing creative resources, accelerate reform and development, and strive to train and gather outstanding creative talent, especially is the industry leading talent, focus on research and development and transformation of the world's leading scientific and technological achievements, strengthening and expanding global influence a number of innovative enterprises, foster a number of international brands, and comprehensively improve the Zhongguancun Science Park and the radiating capacity of independent innovation, promote Zhongguancun Science Park's technological development and innovation in the first 20 years of this century to a new level, the Zhongguancun Science Park into a global influence, innovation and technology center. So, Zhongguancun how to complete this mission? Silicon Valley through the development of Zhongguancun , Comparative analysis of development models, and perhaps part of the answer can be found.
the rise of globalization and regionalization
formed by means of comparative advantage specialization mm in the (a) From the factor-driven stage, efficiency-driven stage, innovation-driven stage, the innovation-driven is the advanced stage, is the inevitable trend of global economic development .20 century, bears. Peter's innovative theory that the meaning of innovation than technical invention, which includes the development of new products, new production methods, find new markets, find new raw materials, create a new industrial organization and other aspects .20 end of the century, the practice of the new economy of innovation in turn extended to the behavior, thinking, communication mode and so on. Looking back on history, human society has experienced a 18th century industrial revolution, the 19th century electrical revolution of the 20th century three new technology revolution, technological revolution, has appeared in the United Kingdom, Germany, the United States, the world's three economic centers and science and technology center, these technology centers lead the world in a certain period of time. In this process among the leading countries in both the radiation and leading to other regions, there are late-coming countries formed under certain conditions beyond the .20 since the 80 century, global economic development gradually moving towards a multipolar, unipolar and the deepening international division of labor, the value chain between the different segments of rapid decomposition, while the same or related sectors within the region formed in a cluster, the formation of a variety of . At present, the world has become such a large gathering area, covering agriculture, traditional manufacturing, modern services, high-tech industries and other fields. It can be seen associated with the process of economic globalization, regionalization and economic personalization. At the same time, these concentration areas tend to have strong scientific and technological innovation, which makes the rise of the foundations of traditional regional economic theory have wavered, innovation as the core elements of regional innovation cluster theory as the main guide to regional economic development. between a large number of concentration areas tend to occur through various channels, the organic variety, which is a global innovation network a form of expression. The concentration areas can be seen as one among the global innovation network node cluster, some of which capital, technology, personnel, information and other resources, a large number of innovations, innovation is very prominent in the global innovation network in a key position, which has a strong influence on the node to be known as the Technology Innovation Center mm which is the more developed regional innovation network, complexity and diversity of regional innovation capability will be. These include a variety of regional innovation network in the main body, such as enterprises, universities and research institutes, intermediary service organizations and government. the Government in creating an innovative environment play an important role. Innovation is not the biggest cost comes from the land, resources and other physical entities, but continue to impact all types of innovative resources, until the innovation needed to generate the opportunity cost. in the regional innovation network, when a new ideas, new technologies, new information is generated, rapid flow within the network will be open to, and the rapid transmission of the network, frequent feedback, in the repeated collision and oscillation, breeds innovation.
(b) Global Silicon Valley Innovation Center and its development model on behalf mm
all global innovation network Among the global innovation network, there is a billion U.S. dollars, accounting for 2% of the total U.S. economy -3% .1939, the Hewlett Packard and Vice President Terman at Stanford University funded by co-founded Hewlett-Packard, Silicon Valley since opened a prelude to the development. In 1955, transistor inventor William. Shockley founded Shockley Semiconductor Laboratory in Silicon Valley in 1956, eight young scientists joined the Shockley Semiconductor experiment, unprecedented in Silicon Valley created a large collection of high-end talent. Later, the eight scientists to leave the Shockley Semiconductor Laboratory transferred to Fairchild, the company has become the Silicon Valley from Fairchild Semiconductor industry professionals gather in the serving Geluo Fu founded the Intel Corporation; Sanders is a director of Fairchild Semiconductor sales in 1969 he founded with seven employees Fairchild, AMD.
20 century and the mid-80s early 70s is a Silicon Valley period of great development in 1971, production of computer microprocessors made possible the invention, the Silicon Valley Microelectronics and the personal computer age into the .20 to the 90 century, the mid-80's is back to Silicon Valley by the ebb tide period, the 20th century, 90 years The rising of the early software industry in Silicon Valley had a short-term crisis, highly specialized integrated circuit industry structure .20 mid-90s, the Silicon Valley era of mass access to the network, and network software industry has brought prosperity, the formation of a software great development and network interaction. into the 21st century, the rapid rise of Silicon Valley's innovative services, and in 2005 became the second largest industrial sectors in Silicon Valley .2006, clean technology industry in Silicon Valley, over 50% growth rate, which absorb the risk growth rate of investment among the first in the industry.

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