Tuesday, February 15, 2011


 Striker striker husband is a husband
little boy grow up, in the twelve constellations, has been listed as intractable naughty role.
Sagittarius optimist by nature, generous, like to help others, so that the total personality is more Yixing Yuan, which is crazy to many Taizuo their place.
striker innocent husband frank nature, not necessarily warm and enthusiastic. their interest in the opposite sex, is from a natural curiosity heart, both the nature of that join in the fun. they really want, or freedom, life and travel the seas.
striker husband rubber ball, looks more force, playing far survived. They born with a rebellious little nagging when parents do not want to hear, when her husband is also very annoying Kingdom by the Sea.
how to get along with the ball do? do not shoot it, it will obediently stay around Hello! have a shooter husband, the best way is to forget about him and let him arbitrary. nature, so that you little difficult to load. If the husband when the kite, you tied yourself. learning to him as a ball it!
Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer, wife: learning to live independently, surgery is the best Charioteer . shooters husband does not like day and night to get along, remember to give them their space.
Gemini, Libra, Aquarius wife: Wind signs and, like Sagittarius, the constellation is look to the future, although you no problem in communication, but have to take note of reality.
Aries, Leo, Sagittarius Wife: Do not candid comments Sagittarius angry, not artificial character, and do not lie on their behalf.
Sagittarius ideal wife
Moon in Sagittarius man - love him is to love his friends
like to travel around, he is unsparing of people everywhere. to catch his heart is not easy, because he likes all kinds of people travel more like the pursuit of different types of women.
not necessarily appreciate the type of him to who gave him more freedom, and can bring up happy memories of him as a scoring criteria. so you will find the moon in Sagittarius Men, women choose good times and bad taste, for some vulgar woman, he can get along well with her.
others precisely because no class, and there are points, good for warm and humorous attitude towards each individual , made his very active relationship, often to his wife that when his friends than when his family attention. So his ideal wife, and his best friend, like love, let him free action, if just like him love games and sports, it was perfect.
He dressed very casual in general, T-shirts and jeans are his favorite. like he was dressed very casual, of course, I hope you Like him, sometimes too much attention to appearance, but that he have a sense of distance.
Sagittarius men - victory is truly noble
White Hunter, Black Heart
Sagittarius is ruled by the gods Cupid God, and therefore a symbol of anything curious. in the growth process, if found necessary to place hunting arrow, such as full string target prey. adventures in his right hand, to conquer in his left hand, pierce the enemy De're putting other people it seems cruel, he consciously aristocratic. spare no effort in combating the fake hunter, fear is only the last arrow.
of strong non-gambling natural forests
not born gamblers winner. men are not afraid of death afraid of old striker. not afraid to bet the poor did not have to fear.
content to sit at the striker will have to
believe that men and a woman love you Wake up! his character to adventure Since the original call, as the full moon when the sky and shouts and wild dogs have. If for some reason he has become your man, the same will for some reason belongs to a woman. but tired of the men outside shooter back on their own.
preference for women
eccentric taste in men and a woman shooter to normal vision to judge is to be commended. so simple can not afford a woman aroused his interest, but those lines kinds of personality defects of the woman to arouse his interest. Hing appearance has nothing to do with the smell related. and nothing to do with curiosity about the spirit. and money has nothing to do with the fate of related. or that women and men is not absolutely striker with eccentricity, but let male shooter heart absolutely eccentric woman.
away, it is not surprising!
hard about what the men are enthusiastic striker, results in a pinch Bierbuxian, is normal. to Jupiter, king of the gods Zeus As ruler of the male shooter, love of freedom, the pursuit of truth. disgust rigid, set of values from that to become a man, but in his radiant at the same time to hide a lot of anxiety, maybe you do not believe, in fact, personality is a male shooter Many defect.
A. curious who join in the fun weight, lack of unity of, say interest in the more fickle, the critics say that the principle.
B. uninformed showstopper.
so cannibalize it, they will fled.
selfish longing for freedom from the male shooter
matter what the news release, are aimed more benefits. Because of the extraordinary success For the owner; so not out of trouble. when he does not meet the conditions in which their own ideals, or repeat, pause too long in one place, it will ignore the surrounding conditions, their selfish full potential.
If you Mercedes-Benz want to try the thrill of riding around, then find a Sagittarius man, forced to give him a ride to go, you will be happy as he first had. Sagittarius man will never bring you happiness, but also because of easy start So easy to despair, and easy end, and finally, you will fall from his horse. how, stimulate it! If you have a man crush on Sagittarius, then discharge to let him know it! you can take the initiative to jump about his friends ! but must not cry, because he likes adventurous woman, it is best to dance through the umbrella on his own home, because he prefers the independent woman, so if you are, go ahead!
pursuit of truth, courage , there are stars intelligent mind. unexpected, he said, had good philosophy. more for the love movement. are physically fit, vulnerable women of all ages. minded and generous and cheerful, even if the defeat will not dejected . for the relentless pursuit of freedom to run around, the most hate being at home. super optimist doctrine. if cautious, fear the risk of a fall into the trap. no matter how like light clothing, but also can not always wear a track suit.
remember that you No matter how Sagittarius man loves you, there must be ready to get off at any time, rather broken heart can not be soft-hearted. Sagittarius man wants is a happy woman, a woman will always bring laughter, you do not have beautiful, but You must know how to humor, the time may wish to brush up some jokes, make their own frequency then the Sagittarius man on the channel.
Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, Sagittarius man many friends, friends many described as men are brothers, in their minds may be better than all the friendship and loyalty, therefore, Sagittarius can be described as a symbol of love, they naturally optimistic, cheerful, self motivated, enterprising and energetic, it will therefore Sagittarius feel very active and lively.
Sagittarius love many are evolved from the friendship, for his female, is to have ideas, targeted work ability, not the type of pest, and to be able to play with him, along with crazy, too will be jealous of the women are not attracted to him, and if your partner is a man of this sign, remember to observe the situation of his friend, do not make any rash criticism of other, do not sticky or too dependent on him that he, once he felt bound, it will strongly break, if you fit him, enjoy your cheerful love it.
Sagittarius boys - spread the joy to spread a little love
nerve, Sagittarius is the most appropriate description, however, is because you are so candid, cute, likes to tell jokes, like the crowd, always optimistic and enterprising spirit, so we happy to be close to you. In fact, you often do not understand why everyone in the listening After the laughs if you like thunder, you are wrong or you do not see anything wrong? But because of this, you become a source of laughter, girls love to make her laugh man, and the characteristics of Sagittarius, it is place to attract women.
Sagittarius friends and like a woman, has always been dedicated in the end, this does not care about love, passion casual attitude often makes you welcome everywhere, although you love free love, girlfriend pile, but when friends ask you, what is your object of serious, but you often can not answer, because you can hardly distinguish the difference between lovers and friends. know the lover got to be your best friend, so friends often become confused in the lover.
serious if the man nobody wanted these days, does not make sense the most popular character, who in the twelve constellations Sagittarius does not make sense than that too, because you are born that madness of the master, a great sense of humor, it always made you become a heartthrob.
natural sense of humor - was born in Sagittarius Sagittarius man
Stan. Laurel and Oliver. Hardy was the first prominent Hollywood Comedy film star. If we say that Chaplin thought-provoking, thrilling people curious Keaton; then, Laurel and Hardy to the people left behind are happy laughter. thin Laurel, fat Hardy, both sing and dance, in drama, Laurel always played the fool looking for trouble, Hardy is always a solemn comedy act self-righteous people, they swept the world this comic mode, and follow suit.
innate humor man Sagittarius , to understand life. The most astute man of humor; humorous men witty, philosophical, humor, hearty men, social frequent; humor to discuss women like men, humor, support the men are women.
Sagittarius man of humor every day full of energy, never seemed to know real depression, as long as he is, not to worry about with laughter.
In any occasion, humorous man can create a relaxed, the atmosphere of laughter. Whether a boy or a girl have to be able to make friends with the Sagittarius man is a great joy, humor, men have many friends.
many friends, spending naturally big, but he did not care. humorous men more generous, he cherished every friendship, even at anything for his friend.
However, most of Sagittarius men have no plan for economic costs, so even though his income is not thin, but the expense has been enormous, often even money to help friends and light, without considering all the money put themselves to friends, himself penniless, in which even the lives of tomorrow, he does not care how to maintain.
both are new to love the lively little girl, or a more stable mature women who like humor, witty man. However, the humor of the Sagittarius point men seem to prefer slightly heroic spirit of lively women, especially sports-loving girl, is she chasing a moving target.
Therefore, if the marriage , he found his wife knew nothing about housework, he will not regret it, he knew, it was his own choice.
the most likely to become the wife of a man Sagittarius candidates are those with her the growth of people, such as childhood friend, classmate, because Sagittarius man likes a more profound emotional foundation. girl, is she chasing a moving target.
Therefore, if the marriage, he found his wife on the food know nothing about housework, he will not regret it, he knew, it was his own choice.
the most likely to become the wife of a man Sagittarius candidates are those who grow up with her, such as childhood partners, students, because the Sagittarius man likes a more profound emotional foundation.
Sagittarius graphics, is a half-human, half horse archer. the use of such graphics to describe the Sagittarius man is really a very appropriate.
He is an absolute optimist, he has many lofty ideals in mind, they are often easy to overlook the issues at hand. So often in accelerating the time to move for after accidentally plummeted to drain into the well. at his side girls, and occasionally remind his carelessness, is he good. but if it is ambitious in his talk program, he poured a pot of cold water, it really made him extremely annoying.
lot of people say Sagittarius men are polygamous, in fact, I would think that should be said that he is really like a woman with a lot of contacts, the rhetoric of deception, not his methods. for each girl, and he is very sincere, if you want to really have him. First of all, you have to Listen in high spirits, said he long-term plan, and occasionally have to remind him some details, so he was surprised that your wisdom; Second, you have to play with him, the majority of Sagittarius are very interested in the outdoors man, when he took When you go to social occasions, do not put Zhanglao K face. Sagittarius men love to debate with a friend, you must be very interested to hear, and then at the right time to help a cavity, makes his theory stand undefeated manner.
more importantly, do not limit his freedom, the more you give him freedom, he more frankly. Of course she will give you the freedom to develop your world, the pursuit of Sagittarius man combination of not only the body, but the mind fit.
Sagittarius type of boys like girls like to laugh and Movement
very warm and his intention is honest, straightforward personality is also very clear. If a girl will not like to hide their feelings. just as his symbol - an arrow will be fired directly at each other's hearts. and relatively impatient of him, for the passive female, lack of interest.
Although I adored him, but the opposite sex can also get along well with other girls, as long as he can provoke possessive, would be his favor.
In addition, it readily appreciate the individuality and self-advocates strong girl, enjoy the tall striped and a health and beauty, beauty with a foreign face. than the gentle girl, who prefers athletic, hearty personality, but hate the vulgar girl smiling girl.
do not like to dress up too complex Therefore, while the simple beauty of scenery attracted him most girls.
B-type Sagittarius Sagittarius
B-type character is the the pursuit of any free to fly in life .... this is your first character.
B Sagittarius personality type and share a great deal of free will is one of them. curious, on what things have expressed interest, it is not persistent straightforward of temperament, etc., are also common. Not limited to the form and habits, things flexible thinking and the PAA response actions, which can also be said to be a common character. Because it is the same cope with the character, so the B-Sagittarius is perhaps the most in the B-B-type models, in Sagittarius Sagittarius the most typical.
difference if reluctant to cite is Sagittarius more than the free-spirited and B-type enthusiasm, and B-type practical importance than Sagittarius. In B-type character of Sagittarius, the complex mix of potential that some of.
B-type Sagittarius interest is extremely broad, and that just as knowledge is not enough to draw interest in things, or even want to look at immersive. This type of ideal person, probably in the knowledge and experience to do it all the world. on the knowledge and experience are with this kind of enthusiasm.
ambition and money to the community's desire for a very weak, can be said with profound philosophical spirit of the people, so almost never on the mundane things and maintain a persistent case material.
own defense instinct is that this type of weak features. in interpersonal relationships will not build a wall to protect themselves, but the action also has the face of danger and sudden courage. open to anyone exposed himself, will give others the impression that there is honest and clear. bold action force Perhaps it would have a positive and courageous assessment; if the opposite point of view, is too careless, lack of caution.
disadvantage is that there is no continuity, the established goals can not be sustained, although the quick thinking and action , but easily lost. have excellent concentration, but not have the patience and perseverance. If you fail to give up stunted in the middle, or the hard-earned though, if the tired to give up lightly. and around the step with easy to one person to attack first. head turning quickly in order to have more, but will be easily bored and impatient court disaster.
Sagittarius Love View
do not know how to express their love
a lover? or friend? Sagittarius will sometimes scenes thrown into confusion, others confused, and he is very threshold embarrassed.
you love is not straight to the point, right? usually Sagittarius are friends from the start. first friend, and slowly we cooked, and you other useful contacts that will further, to friends across the stage, began to fall in love.
However, the problem often lies in the point that should be the time to understand, but you make friends with the attitude of faction, depriving others do not dare to speak casually.
Sometimes, if the other side and then to test if, for example, said: so and so invited me to dinner on Sunday, you see, I do not agree? action.
opportunity is precious love, I suggest you try some though vulgar, but quite exemplary invitation: to see a art film, to place a cup of coffee, good atmosphere.
you do not get each other's intentions clear, at least you make your intentions clear. through your encouragement, I think he will have a clear response. If staffs, he really has been, it would be better to start all over again.
see eye Once when watching eye
Sagittarius, to see the infinite future and broad views. perhaps met a girl on the bus, chatting chatting, Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall after the car, he thought, and she brought with her a small baby in the McDonald's hamburger, and then the whole family to fly a kite on the grass it!
too idealistic Sagittarius feature is the front view is optimistic, saying the negative is not realistic.
sight of so many Beautiful vision, of course you can not wait to initiate action, to make the eye see the ideal candidate to be your lover.
me there is a recent example. One of my Sagittarius friend told me she met to the dream of Prince Charming. She said: to three weeks, she told me: always like to make friends, to bar him as a normal friend, right before the close assessment of where he is the protagonist of your dreams, and then a blueprint for future planning, we will not suddenly wake up the heart has been broken.
Sagittarians are often very easy to start and end very easily. If you can learn to observe first to know, you could be someone that a small number of exceptions.

first love when I have several readers tell Sagittarius I, their first love setback to the lovelorn, each process is a lot, the only regret is that the other party do not know!
which a reader is very precocious, sixth grade to a crush. It was outside the school next semester transferred from a bit girl, two Wuliu Liu's eyes, at once attracted his attention. She sat two seats in front of him, every day of classes back he looked at her, imagine her eyes in class, class to far far looked at her play on the playground. A week later, he had fallen in love with her. So she took the opportunity to get close, pretending to live near her home, accompanied her home. I did not expect to go home only twice to go to the living room by her father, questioned about it, scared to dispel from his mind and taste the taste of lost love life for the first time.
So if you have not started first love, do not like the reader, Let yourself fall in love quickly and all the processes to finish within ten days. Do not forget, you are first learning to drive like a novice, if you wanted to start flying on the highway, it is too dangerous.
to 've set a schedule it, observe the provisions of their own time before the start and his friends, making friends to start thinking about how often feelings, how long before they can pull a small hand, pull a small hand how long it takes to do anything else.
this proposal is look a little funny, but you love so successful (at least until the end of love started), you'll thank me.
when love is really a great
Sagittarius lover, make love romantic feeling to reach the pinnacle of the state.
you love, you really want and he work together to create the world's most beautiful love story, the most happy model family.
my good friend told me that she Sagittarius boyfriend on the grass in the Wuling Farm said to her: small white flowers. And, also keep a horse, nothing we rode in the Shanlin Jian-Benz. , unless he suddenly tens of millions of *** in color, which is really a dream. What's more, I fear riding, and if he bought a horse, I can not ride, so he was not too disappointed with it? br> vision and commitment is not the same. you often took him to the utopian ideal of pure fantasy, if he is not the same reason my friend, wrong as a commitment to your ideals, I am afraid that in the near future, will feel the pain of disappointment.
No wonder some people have misunderstood, Sagittarius in love will make empty promises, it is mistaken because he promised ideal. So please, when you love a cool head to maintain some do not let him faint Tao Tao and expect too much of your
Crosses can do?
in a love triangle, if Sagittarius is active participation, others think he or intervention by a third party. But Sagittarius but feel that they are the embodiment of justice, is to rescue the unfortunate messenger of love.
very kind nature of Sagittarius, you will not because of his desire, to destroy other people's family or love. Unless, you see with them is simply wrong combination. In order not to let him be deceived, no longer tormented him, you will be willing to come forward with your love to rescue him from mistakes, to his true happiness and joy .
the hot blood and passion, is really enough to awe. I understand you to have a Before you break, do not forget to carefully review your blueprint, ask yourself two questions:
First, he wants what? he really need to save it? Unfortunately, he is your imagination? or his feelings? I believe he is certainly flawed in love, but he has that period of feeling completely useless, a small value of the text you?
Second, you give what? Maybe you could make love, he is now deficiencies and dissatisfaction, but he had to give up your own? You will not regret for his greater?
problem after a love triangle, often under more pressure. you may be Friends the accused, must be used and compared to his former lover, if you are not a solid basis for action when the rash, I am afraid the only damage, but not the outcome of the building.
when he suspected that if you faithfully
He doubted your loyalty, you must be angry, but I was not surprised.
because you make friends, when same-sex heterosexual non-discriminatory, and not because you have to deliberately avoid arousing suspicion in love. This cheerful frankness the attitude of friends, is the most special places Sagittarius. However, your lover a little strong if slightly possessive, which inevitably give birth to a lot of unnecessary disputes and misunderstandings.
You may think he does not understand you, or think he is not rational explanation. Who says love can no longer speak of dissimilarity alone? Who can not love and sex joke? you that of course is righteous, but he is also reasonable doubt. Why did you call for a chat to him talked for two hours? told you at the party Zhigu and to him tell jokes, ignored his lover?
for you, Sagittarius, it is likely that the more gas the more, the little emotions, becomes a storm, so it does not pay.
I would like to remind you, he will wonder why, in addition to your standard, and his different, it is also because he has to pay a lot for love, why is there only care about your change of heart or the possibility of derailment.
you should be considerate of his feelings, he has patiently explained, and not just blame him suspicious.
course, you should properly distinguish the boundaries of friends and lovers, this is not just In order to prevent misunderstanding of your lover, but for the sake of other innocent third parties. If because of your bold aesthetic, making the others into your love, for you, your lover and those who sided love is really all not fair.
bottlenecks encountered when love
Sagittarius in love, has many advantages, but in the face of bottlenecks, the relative lack of patience and perseverance of a difficult situation.
I have a Sagittarius colleagues, and his girlfriend fell in love for many years and has long been engaged. They feel that the time is ripe end of last year, decided to work together for the family. As the groom is a native Taiwanese businessman and women home is outside the provincial senior officials, both parents have for the wedding Many insist. young couple caught in the middle, although every effort to coordinate, but always hard to best of both worlds. The Sagittarius boy and some color big men, and often more difficult for a man to his girlfriend. Finally, even the dissolution of marriage was referred to the two sides, the feelings of six years down the drain.
You may not run into such a difficult issue, but in the process of love, there are always a number of conditions, so that you can not do so the original design blueprint for implementation.
I think, in The bottleneck of the moment, you and he have a responsibility. you should be careful to communicate with him to find out the crux of the problem. You want him to do what with? what he wants you to do the adjustment? both sides must realize there is a : Only unilateral efforts, is unable to overcome difficulties.
So, in order to maintain your patience, and consolidate your insistence, I suggest you discuss with each other once every few days to review the results of how to improve, give each other encouragement, encouraging . Sagittarius bring back the spirit so you can continue to fight. Even if the final is still failed, at least you will not have regrets.

old lover back when there is a saying: When the feelings gone, It's gone ! When the old lover back when, all too late.
Sagittarius thing of the past once you feel that love will not go searching again.
So, if you then offer to break up, then love At the time the wind had dissipated, and now it is gone by.
If he leaves you for a year, you will not forget the pain he brings you. Do you think he re-admission to lose positions and principles. in the maintenance of justice, love, under the premise of his chances as slim. However, there is a saying: do not want to accept him, but also show good manners.
advantage of this is Sagittarius. you can still do the ordinary and his friends, and will not ������ǧ��֮�� or to embarrass him. This friendly attitude , allowing a rare look back old felt the warmth of lovers - because he flies back often represent not good.
this manner is also the shortcomings of Sagittarius. Sometimes you will leave a trace of the old lover's expectations mistakenly believe that there is between you and the possibility of again later. when he again started to pursue, he could bring you trouble.
I recommend that you calibrate properly, especially if you already have a new love, be sure to To understand to know you have been reluctant to old love back, so you do not want to shake the original romance, misunderstanding and jealousy in between the old love new love into the melee scene.
love Sagittarius often suspect . This love is the heart found the love of Sagittarius.
I also believe that God made them also made a pair, and if you can find the original to the other half belongs to you, you can have a perfect love. only Unfortunately, in the world, 99.9 percent of the lover, not the right assigned.
So, you want him with you tomorrow, he said the day after tomorrow to test. You will wonder: He does not love me right? If he loves me, than I do how important exam? Do you want him for two years and then wait for you to study abroad, he said that the school has applied for good. You will wonder: he does not love me? If he loves me, how I am willing to do to stay in Taiwan?
he not love you, but more than you love rational, practical. or he relatively bad mood these days, work is busy. I would like to ask you one: If you love him, why not let him better exam? Why not let him finish school a little earlier? Why do you not understand him?
So, all things only in my heart, the most likely to cause misunderstanding. Do you think he does not love you, in addition to reflect on their own is not enough understanding, the wish to directly communicate with him, constructive than some of the psychological nausea. Perhaps the communication and through a second amendment, he really becomes your best the other half.
face the choice of love and of bread and bread
when love is difficult to co-existence, we choose for the persistence of love, would rather give up bread lover, always particularly admired. because of the pressure of reality, a friend dissuasion, tragic lesson, most people make in the choice of the barrier, from the love Jiliuyongtui. commendable is that a small portion of Sagittarius, or would rather give up bread, take a great lover of love.
However, when Sagittarius courage to choose love, they often teach people to respect, but also worried. Because Sagittarius is too lofty ideals of love, may be buried together after a few worries:
first, underestimated the resistance of the environment. . For example: originally wanted to give up his father's family business, their own from scratch, the result is a loss again and again, all the savings were spent, and still owes a debt hh
ass second, overestimate the degree of his cooperation. For example: through thick and thin had said yes, but only a few months, he can not tolerate a meal a day of boiled eggs.
Third, overestimate their own adherence to the ideal. Sagittarius encounter setbacks, not as Capricorn they will also strive to decision, the above three questions, is that you must carefully think about blind spots. Sagittarius born there, What role can not happen.

Sagittarius man Sagittarius men love a lot of people think he is like a Boy Scout, but he would not only help people outside, but also fraught with danger. In fact, Sagittarius love adventure, excitement his life, while an optimistic attitude in face of challenges, but his optimism just a little too blindly. So when you find he did not seem to get to know you refused, and again when the entanglement , you will understand the meaning of blind optimism.
optimistic, frankly, pride and love of freedom and outdoor life, very curious, to pursue knowledge and gain new experiences, love to do adventure travel far. input on intuition and inspiration to others The force, to deal with urgent matters, thoughts running quickly, often distracted in various matters, rather than focus on a single target. loyal friendship, marriage and love is not stable. relax and easy too nervous nervous breakdown ; criticism, then pre-export, delete the first half; jealous of their partner, to be as good as he like to be someone else, remember to go home. with his blind ...

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