Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Min Kai Jia Chunqiu crossing (IX)

Min water holding the hand of the Dadu River, tipped the main entrance to the walk.
Will soon be the midday sun through the gaps and empty nest floor, lights silhouette mottled ground, the air dense the incense in the air. Shuzhong two stare with this king of ancient temples in front of the hall off the situation of a leaf, heart filled with emotion.
built in the Tang dynasty Lingyun Buddhist Temple, destroyed destroyed after reconstruction, the current pavilion Most of the Qing Emperor Kangxi made fashionable, charming country pay more difficulty, more, even the known historical and cultural heritage of the place, but also catastrophe is inevitable, a view of the vicissitudes of the Qing Mu Jieyou.
monastic story! laughed, holding his hands Min Water, said: Confucianism, religion is the future generations to engage them, at first also played a management practitioner, the role of creating a practice environment, but then more and more obsessed with religion itself, people, and this wrong. For example, first Taoist temple established, the Taoist school of Buddhism that is, all laid, it was no teaching aids and convenience. all those who truly feel the form will not be admitted and will not be recognized and promising are asking the worldly, they recognize the heart and mind, acknowledged that state. as seen through the truth of a healthy soul who will never recognize the to lay down their worldly attachments, rounding the world's famous making a profit, he took his disciples, monks, alms. then beings ignorance, to teach them, he would rate themselves as role models, they would daily alms begging, modeling disciples. penance for his students to succeed, he asked his disciples l one meal a day, one night under a tree r, and later gradually with the teachings of his human understanding, have a few good man good woman to support the monastery, there are argument a relatively fixed place. but then common practice, or not so wide as China and Turkey, made the monastery. Buddhist Vihara fond of l r, Sakyamuni Buddha is to it as a class. The fewer and fewer people naturally wild fancy, can make anyone, gradually deepened, through practice the dharma, improve heart and mind, we can achieve enlightenment Kaihui, card was free. as medical treatment, so doctors must prescribe the right medicine Buddha history for the current year under the conditions that all sentient beings. Today he walked Dharma law, and those who believe in Buddhism, even if this wish is good, two thousand years ago with his prescription for r l to doctors who today, I am afraid disease with the wrong medicine, but only the name of the status of many people under the banner of his name to fraud and hunting it! Living life, food and clothing two things r, have often resulted in criticism, that is decadent, not knowing all the world, together with the people think the worst of all, its roots are also from God. smiling eyes encouraging him go on.
people do not live out of specification, the same day as the birds and ate. I heard a story from the Lao Shenxian, said to be in a long time ago, the Emperor felt earth is very short day, all day long to so many time spent to Tiandu Zi, injury had made man on the Nvwaniangniang original intention, and he notes the heavens, and to tell you on this issue. gods talk to talk to, that people want to survive, eat a meal full 3 days carry on. Heaven then drafted the edict, who to turn to earth Xuanzhi, cattle cents volunteered to be class out of the Jade Emperor was overjoyed, for the imperial seal Ambassador cattle cents lower bound edicts.
say then got heavy cattle cents, feels proud of triumphant out of the day the door, gave it all the way Assembly of Immortals greeted one by one cow fairy friends bid farewell to Assembly of Immortals, inevitably things more entertaining, sometimes feel drunk Yuye nectar, upon the lower bound, all the way has become obsessed with the imperial edict l Heaven has purpose, is declared between the three meals a day. r-day purpose is made of jade Chrysostom, once declared that the lower bound of all the gods would not violate the practice, from earth, three times a day Hing meals carry on. the Emperor was furious, to cut a cow Sin, Credit goes to all the stars struggling to intercede, they will seat the next general cattle cents stripped King Costume, lay heaven, let him give the lower bound to cultivate the crime compensation, and not allowed to see the sky is Yang to compensation against himself. As days will be too much force, the cattle pushed cents, its jaws just touch on the hard stones, the lower incisor teeth in full Kediao, so was this sign, no front teeth, jaw, and once his back to the cattle days, was up to it is over, otherwise, it will extremely frightened, mad to death. Lord Lao Zi once saw the young cattle, is not so! just listen to storytelling bent. mad, Lao Shenxian deliberately punish it. So, walking in the edicts of the road to so many people to greet him, too busy entertaining, cattle cents too happy to forget the reverse, and only his ascetic went to the world. I'm old it is obvious that the board gods to see, which is higher Atlas forging a life of two factors control the world, one to eat, one to wear, the human body has its need for hard extinguished, as long as the cause of this two aspects of the rich or the lack of apology to the realization of the life circumstances can easily flow, and thousands of years, is it not so? fans in the world basically eat in order to l r and l r at the core of happiness through creating through the history of how humble or tragic drama, which seems to enrich the social life of the universe thing, but also artificial human environment and the actual practice Fanbenguizhen suffering also business opportunities for enlightenment. So it aloud Lao Shenxian it!
No one can ever rich, so he chose to come to the world as Buddha, Prince, and his argument, and mercifully to teach by example to his disciples and the world to set an example. create a l r a result of living color model Wukong (the extreme ah, so Confucius was said l r. gentleman to do anything to the human world that few people understand the meaning know?) in the world, he Fengshen handsome father mother wife Yin Zixiao, superior martial arts and literary grace, to be predicted will be India's most famous king in history, will dominate the universe, and the people support. his rich life is the ultimate world, the good family is the ultimate world, the good of the future is the ultimate in the world. to the world treatment in order and not hard, but His Holiness decided to give up their own, silent illustrates a truth: Buddhist determined person, you have all that's owned by Venerable rich treasure? He should attain unsurpassable Buddhism, Li Rong of the world to enjoy down so completely, you raise that little bit of what famous Lee does not fit? beings, under the enlightened world are saving people, in addition to preached to the living beings have to take care of the sense of lecturing and teaching by example the same, apply what they learn, they left behind the style and attitude, way of life are worthy of a good after school reference, often a new PMC. because such a reference left, Buddhist person first, then find rules to follow. people mesmerized, Dadu suddenly raised her delicate hand, the sun, the whole quality of the jade crystal, shining warm and beautiful gloss Cheung, tempting lips conspire hand, kissed it gently.
when the afternoon sun, the cicadas chirping in the cheerful, but also seems so quiet not even a pin drop on the floor can be heard, do infinite good fortune is really wonderful, Tonamiyama more quiet, ; I have talked about, when the disciples of Buddha Sakyamuni with a practice, in order for us not to worry about being haunted by the desire of the world to set a monk's rules and commandments. In order to complete as soon as possible, Sakyamuni Buddha living sentient beings, day three things, led the disciples begging, argument (class), disciple of a cave under a tree or playing around the Block meditation actual practices. After that was for a number of pagodas, it is a good house He also is the Abbot Shi Yuri, in turn around the argument was removed. because it was already corrupt Brahmin priests in charge of the national religion, a large sacrificial temple, and Brahmins to Buddhism is Dharma, slaughter of animals for sacrifice, transformation was not people get degrees and then the. So Buddha is not uncommon for people to adopt this is nothing but the form used to educate and save sentient beings. BUDDHASTAY in the Buddha's time, India has not dedicated the temple later that In his post-Nirvana for quite some time, especially Asoka era, and eventually began to build Buddhist temples across India. His disciples after three generations the memory of a large-scale summary of the history assembled as three l r, is to He preached the law to write few words laid down by the memories was removed, and later, the spread of Buddhism in India, there was a lot of monks, spread eastward to the entire Southeast Asia, north through Afghanistan into Xinjiang to Han, but as a Buddhist to be spreading the important center of Middle-earth, God through the organization of an extraordinary dream to the emperor, the Han Emperor Ming Liuzhuang sleep in the palace, saw the length Jin Zhang Liu, flying around the temple walls, items Pei Baiguang, the most solemn sacred, but also voice told him, the future East Western law two soil-borne Venerable, and told him to respect the Buddhist ceremony, a record probably only woke up. As the East soil when the people, know god is Road the image of the emperor Liuzhuang have never seen behind the Buddha, colorful aperture God to make people realize their dreams. Dr. Liu Yi told him that as early as the Qin in the Warring States period, some people in the Western people who have seen the monk Zhuangshu , are recorded in the annals of history, so that the gods are Western man of God, called for the Buddha r. l Qin Xianyang a monk to have been to, and history books are written. Mingdi clear by the day, to quickly send a courtesy, to go west escorts Western saints. just being encountered on the road taken Matanga and Zhu Falan two venerable white horse laden with classics, all the way through the Hexi Corridor land to the east, so he took them back to see the emperor. Emperor saw two monks, Fengshen Yuk Sau, want to come see his dream is true, let them rest in the Temple of Hong ass. However, when the DPRK in a number of priests serving as the Gentiles against the emperor by teaching such courtesy, mainly his face, status affected, to rise up against. ordained as a monk to be, habits incompatible with Turkey's ruling and opposition parties also have been confused and down, the emperor also skeptical. these trails, I'll give two Venerable Buddhist played rough, because counting on Taoism There are many spells, such as talismans, these small Praying surgery, he proposed to a battle of wits with the Buddhism. how does a battle of wits? several priests think of a way, the emperor ordered the construction of two table, the channel and two classics from the Western Regions with the Venerable to the Buddha by the book, stand in the wood, set on fire, watch the door by the book burning is not destroyed. The results, said the book only insisted on for a while, on the raging burned at a time when the Buddha's scriptures do not only fire Eventually, but glittering, glorious recollections. this time, taken Matanga and Zhu Falan to display their supernatural powers leap into the air, with loud voice, said a law Shouji son: l fox non-Lions type, light is the Sun and Moon. pool without giant mass, no Jiayue Rong Qiu. Act cloud down the world, France Yurun Group Meng. were able to hope something happens everywhere of Qun. r to the effect that, all you fox yellow and white willow repair some superficial magic, does not belong to Buddhism and Taoism Boulevard authentic. say it bright, and your like a small oil lamp, how can the Buddha Sakyamuni, such as sun and moon light transmission pro-legal than this light it. we, Feng Fozhi to Turkey to carry forward Buddhism charged with the mandate of heaven it, seeing is believing ignorance who have lit the hearts of the light, ah see it all. At that time the nobility, together with Yin Lihua Queen, nearly two hundred people, as witnessed the miracles, one after another knelt down and bowed willingly ordained a monk. Liuzhuang much admiration the emperor, to commemorate this thing to build a Buddhist monastery decreed, called the White Horse Temple, the Venerable to the two live. where they translated the first Buddhism, which is that works really quiet, just too lazy to fight the big deal yet. is because there are three thousand six hundred Taoist Dharma, edge trail people too much, is that they fight.
Buddha's education, monks P? ??, a bowl of one outfit, one meal a day, tree �� X??, of Chinese cultural traditions that endure because it is the door begging beggar, that did not face a more important thing is since realized that the custom, the people who do not mind going to a beggar r l say Buddhism, this is not the spread of Buddhism. and local administrative officials do, they felt that Buddhism was the emperor invited the Venerable, the emperor guests, how could they go begging it? Therefore, the government pays for housing and to support.
of fasting, but found this place Turkey, the concept of change is not yet half past one would do, Xiufo If the person is generally looked down upon the city folk, give and spread of Buddhism to bring disorder, since all to go to the heart artificial form out, then the form is not fundamental, so local conditions, creating a monastic form of cultivation. In this way, because the monastery's monks have food and clothing are no longer anxious, and have a lot of time to Dharma. In order to ensure the practice one can gaze toward the road as soon as Yuan Cheng immortal, the early Buddhists will pass under the precepts of Buddha according to increase in many different situations, throughout the early practitioner of Buddhism temple in the establishment of the time, also based on location special circumstances, to develop clear rules monastery. In order for the monks in China and Turkmenistan established the Sangha will not deviate from the teachings of the Buddha walking, food and clothing are also starting to regulate them, a big temple, the person must have a steward, then the good candidates out of practice because of high moral character and a deep understanding of Buddhism, called him as an abbot, because he has to deal with some of the services of two monks, to a little special, an abbot of a separate living room. with today's algorithms do is less than ten square meters of a small house. In fact, in practice, and it is equal, and should be handed down by Sakyamuni r l Jie Dinghui real repair. monastery's daily expenses for the state of the supply, will inevitably have to touch property, then the State has given the property, one should eat dress was arranged, the abbot of a tube, but people still come to find a character are more superior Daoxing, Monk's first prime people to do to help manage the temple abbot. The original practice of the people know, all the settings, in fact, in Turkey, but this place is for special circumstances, to create a more appropriate form of cultivation, more conducive to practice it. Therefore, the abbot Ye Hao,'s first but also Well, as usual and we are by the teachings of Sakyamuni Buddha, sophisticated real repair.
the knowledge, the Xiufo as a career, there have been many cases in the Department sent the door, each door of the classic gradually increased, some of the monks to do not know, people treated with practice, learning a wide range of l r, the results the only way to destroy the true meaning of Dharma. so I find it to have a profound Daoxing, very clear understanding of Buddhist teachings, and very careful and precise for people to supervise, which is monitoring the monks, so that scholars will not be diverted to repair Qi Road. this each also promote the status of the door r l Domination and belittling each other, the initial intention is to prevent doped repairs go wrong, in fact, who no fundamental difference between high and low who is not is to encourage Christians to argue that this is a convenient dollars.
spreading the Dharma in the classroom, but the monk's home, it invariably through shops, equally simple, basic necessities of life are very simple. and wandering with a very standard arrangement and pending system.
To make a monk is not the world's famous obsession with making a profit and hedonism, the early still retains the traditional one meal a day, but is no longer a dervish to melt fast. So there are eight hour day, according to a decade now more than six hours of actual repair time, as early as eight hours of class, chanting the book, learn Buddhism, and later Japan and eight hours after a meal to play real seat repair. early formal temples, are very impoverished, and this is the impoverished sophisticated industry is also very important to the process. The purpose of strict discipline but also to hold the extinguished as soon as persistent secular, but it was never intended to hold the precepts and discipline held.
Whether at home or a monk Buddhist monk to have a gradually form as content, and then stick to the historical process of variation form, and later developed into the more strictly in the form of doing better on the problems that he has done so more complex, went to the Sakyamuni Buddha in the The Lvzong, because discipline is very diverse, reaching more than a dozen million horrible, so many rules, too rigid to a life unable to move, but was stupid people think is the highest, which is reached extreme. Many people practice feelings instead of employing reason, do not know how to fix it, and what books are read, the error to put these precepts are established himself as a Buddha, also regardless of background, can not hole out the meaning of the Buddha to develop discipline, and sticking to a form, the results of his life, but none have succeeded.
. l ring r words, if the solution from the Chinese character meaning, is l to r Ge Wei of meaning can be understood as the method by forcing nature to maintain their desire not to drive it. Later, the monks, generally starting from the Dharma, ah, who wear a knife, called Jiedao, it was originally just a Fawu, the fundamental role is the motto of a portable, desire a move to see the knife, which means that the same desire to vertical suicide, and police themselves, Duanyu When a warning, such as the cutting edge of this ring off thing, to be completely broken, not lingering. This is the metaphor and Taoist sword has resemblance, way, wear a double-edged sword, that metaphorical really very delicate, tai chi, within all things, a good read from one evil to come with pros and cons to know how to harness the energy, can be transported to Make-shaped, that is, functions. Road and clarifying amendment, the general things, he knows good and evil out of the same reasons, as the double-edged of the front, when there was that kind of ability to manage, or rather quiet still. Otherwise, get the sword as the same is not fine sword, injuring themselves. so it is not used to play. nor bring the fight to kill.
Chung, saber it, that is, from time to time to remind myself to Huijian cut the demons, not to ignore the absolute count. l cut, tangled r I can not do. Buddhism was born about both methods, that is, to let go from the heart . And in the West, have made this the Emperor Alexander revealed. a story of a wise man of ancient Greece left a complicated tie clip, thousands of years no one has solved it, is also very curious about the Emperor Alexander, Secretary of State to take him find the temple, he could not undo the tie clip, but after all the Emperor Alexander the great difference, he said: No one requires me to use any way to unlock the buckle! So he drew a sharp sword, sword buckles will be the magic solution had a total, which gives a very deep inspiration. stupidity in the form, would it not ridiculous. She wanted to: Alexander the Great really great, as in the West, so will the use of Eastern wisdom and thorough. No wonder the last time in heaven, the Great came to visit, especially the grand heaven it!
her think, in fact, people should know, head in the Confucian Pei-yu is the same reason, only to remind myself to Shoushenruyu have the character of jade at the end for develop a gentleman. pay attention to their clothes, then down to a hook, are also meaningful, reminders, and alerts the meaning in which it is a motto. In fact, the Confucian l Li r, meaning the ring's meaning, basically go beyond the intensity l r ring, point to a kind of meditation King accomplishment. later people gradually forget the original meaning of creation, have only to remember the objects, without obtaining the spirits. even today people confused by those who were captivated martial arts, monks and Taoists, Confucians, quick to play cool r l , the world of action films, the performances are all quick to pull out Jiedao, saber opposite, is simply misleading beings, spoil the real practice of ancient culture!
think the Dadu River in the upper bound, the board in the Lao Shenxian see final doom confusion, feel moved. In fact, many of the precepts of it, Buddhism is a later increase in Turkey, mainly because of the prevailing political and economic environment, the initial objective is a better way to maintain the purity of practice groups, to prevent the deviation. practice of people, there should be a clear resolution. such as one meal a day, it must be a regular quiet and ascetic as a guarantee, people will be in the cultivation of natural energy supplement deficiencies in the original but also to cherish lifetime pay close attention to practice and produce form. today's degenerated time, many Buddhist monks themselves do not know the truth, not actual practices, the results show to stick to the form of one meal a day, but also think this is the truth of Buddhism, and intentionally or unintentionally, to this show off, put the name of fishing reputation, his confused one is sick, because inadequate nutrition, education, thousands of miles apart that far away from the Buddha, and is simply the opposite. The fact that it's practice, that is, to cure this heart, your mind to complete the Buddha Mind, then wisdom will open the corresponding out. people are not often say that the form is the content for you? often engage in the practice of anti-.
Buddhism spread to Turkey, it begins at home has also been practice of lay disciples, which is Buddhist, in the long-term development, but also many artificial forms. However, today in the Buddhist cultivators, we should know that back of the Reformed Church, was originally going to rational inquiry. To find out the initial development of these forms historical factors and environmental conditions, not in the form of the arrest, pointing the true meaning of Buddhism, Buddhist practice through the establishment of cultural history, and understand the real practice of the Dharma, effective practice Mind, penance actual practices, can really be Buddhism.
thought of this, on the Min, Dadu River Water said: water a little help laughing, thinking people today are attached to form, and since that high, turned out it! appeared in the form with his sub to my heart whispered, serious opposition to the collective people. View. The hearts full of love and fame. What is the purpose of life? how Buddhism seek the truth, how about the legal enlightenment by the Buddha, enlightenment Originally, leave suffering and attain real music? These studies do not take into account the fundamental issues, but some of the Zhimo used to show their understanding of advanced issues, in fact, the performance of this world is chaos magic.
it was going to come to God, the Dadu River to water the baby out Min, Dadu was taken to this baby a baby name Tips called l cloud return r, it smiling agreed. He just used the idea of secret audio recording of a poem, then gently point a bit, immediately play them as songs such as the Honghe:
Ay, on high Come, How lofty! Wusuo never Xi, will return to heaven.
bring Min Spectacular Come, Holy Land of the Buddha; Tanwan beings Xi, unsightly table offerings,
sink almost blurred, things did not identify. half-truths, black and white confusion;
holy heart of paper, sprinkle drops of ink lost! Ever since,
rampant chaos solution, since the closure Mistakes. mess, empty save toys!
Buddha Pro did not, A difficult to ask transportation, made it clear that Fa is not already carry several hundred years.
sigh I Divine, what turned out to! However, the Pro statement Buddhism, there are the pre-,
Morohito later, Ning Hui-Mi from?! jungle million Xi, the Buddha of the solemn church,
cultivate more awareness, the net field against several parties. Jason Court steep, the original shock heart Chi,
bell Drum, reminding ground line return. Now the only remaining transitions!
now lost the idea! now wrong direction!
injured men, and hurt people! Buddhism solemn, polytheism Wei Lang,
How can it be beautiful looking for? How can it be money in Hong cemetery?
Tan Ke Jialuo the Sengqi guard .
Man cover the right path, grass Ying Chi Road. I do not know mind the request, made only to the outside shape.
is almost by the, have Yunyun, unfamiliar with the barnyard, to charge the real Golden Harvest.
Qi know Justice has indeed screen sake! contrary is the time when the call chaos, only one to repair the heart,
he Qinghe Anchor in the sea, class moves to the secular world, Everywhere Buddhist teachings, listen to the pure chanting township. < br> does not leave many forms, as one naturally out everywhere. So artificial prosperity, spiritual correction,
everyone good deeds, Fanbenguizhen. concept of the time and then Turkey, where the Buddha I love all living creatures! , the temple came under the six-bell rings, it is time for the afternoon class time, but now the class is not as off market? the same as Buddhist as an academic? think of this, imposing the following two people.

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