Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Role play examples of activities in large classes

 Role play activities in large classes
theme of the game case: McDonald's, flower shop, toy city, my home, supermarkets, banks
game purposes:
1, to actively participate in role play activities, the formation of a strong role-playing games interest, to accurately reflect the role of social responsibility and the role of social relations among each other.
2, able to choose roles, learn to assign roles by means of consultation, the Institute division of labor, friendly exchanges with their peers, to share the joy of the game, initially learn to solve problems in the game.
3, through play, training children to love life, be polite, follow the rules, good character behavior.
4, try to use alternatives to enrich the game.
Game preparation:
(1), commonly used in home furnishings, cookware, cutlery, food;
(2), containers, shelves, merchandise, flyers, Purchasing Guide and the cashier and work clothing brand; < br> (3), hamburgers, french fries, chicken, cola, etc.;
(4), a variety of silk flowers, plastic flowers, paper flowers, wrapping paper, etc.;
(5), a variety of toys, book
observation and analysis: the ability to watch the video clearly not doing enough to last a good place, such as withdrawals do not line up, florists misplacing things, very neat. children were made to correct the method to queue up, please staff supervision; things can not be put on the ground, you can move a table to put more stuff; go to the supermarket to buy too many things, you can use the bag to pack, etc..
three, young children group, choose the game, Institute of assigning roles in consultation and cooperation arrangements playground.
observation and analysis: the majority of children were able to talk to each other, and soon set a good role. only to play the McDonald's children, because several people have wanted to be a manager, to discuss a long time have not decided yet. then had to determine the stone scissors cloth. It seems the children will use some methods have to solve the problem.
four divisions to Children playing by the rules and civilized, polite, and guide children to imitate playing the role of a bold, bold use their brains to select the available alternatives.
observation and analysis: as seen before video, so when the kids can get money row good team, florist children put things moving a table, look neater. McDonald's receptionist is very warm, it will introduce to customers a variety of delicious things. toy business is very good city, the assembly of toys Technicians are busy bad. but not what the children the concept of price, the price of goods and money are arbitrary. and no more imagination, not to use alternatives.
five to end the game and comment on the game.
(1), invited children to talk about, when you play the game any fun things to share with you. Who do you like best and why?
(2), talk about the problems found in the game, allow children to think for a solution, to prepare for the next game.
observation and analysis: the children could come up with fun things, and who like to play the most. It seems the teacher's guide and questions are very important skills .
activity reflection: the kids are more into role-playing games, because with the relevant experience of life, the circumstances of the children play games and more enriched. McDonald's receptionist is very warm hospitality guests, whether it is This class of children, or guest teachers, they are able and generous introduction. florist flowers and toys, toys of honesty loved by everyone. game theme close to the children's lives, from the children's interest in starting the game to be a child like basic. So the children to play more role playing games more to play, every play is to dig some. However, the children play games, or stay on top of the existing experience, no brains to be innovative, is too timid small, not open, do not use substitutes. After playing the game to lead the children to use their brains to focus on innovation, selection of alternatives.

role-playing games in large classes the morning of games: role-playing games
game content: Mei Mei Barber store health clinics McDull Bank
object of the game:
1, the activities help children learn more about the specific work of staff to appreciate the hard work and happiness.
2, through play activities to develop children's skills and awareness of the rules.
3, stimulate children's active participation.
game for:
beauty: cosmetics, comb, mirror, water heaters, steam head, etc.;
Health Clinic: stethoscope, syringes , infusion sets, masks, medicine boxes;
McDull Bank: Counting coupons, IC card, a small computer.
course of the game:
1, enlightening conversation, inspire enthusiasm for early childhood activities.
Division: the last game of the attitude of our work is very good massage therapist, was named the staff group to do better, we should pay attention to what activities it?
2, guide children to discussion.
(1) the customer should do?
(2) salesperson should do to pay attention to what?
(3) about children, teachers make Summary.
3, children free distribution of roles at will.
4, children role-play as layout tools.
5, to carry out the game, teachers to participate as active role in guiding young children have individual differences.
6, tidying up staff in venues, the closing event.
7, Summary of the activities of students and teachers, named customers > 2 children through play activities to develop skills and awareness of the rules.
3, stimulate children's active participation.
game for:
beauty: cosmetics, comb, mirror, water heaters, steam head device etc.;
Health Clinic: stethoscope, syringes, infusion sets, masks, medicine boxes;
McDull Bank: Counting coupons, IC card, a small computer.
course of the game:
1, inspired Talk to inspire enthusiasm for early childhood activities.
division: the last game of the attitude of our work is very good massage therapist, was named the service personnel to learn from them, in order to allow other staff groups do better, we should pay attention to what activities it?
2, guide children to discussion.
(1) the customer to do?
(2) salesperson should do, pay attention to what?
(3) about children, teachers make Summary.
3, children free distribution of roles at will.
4, children role-identity Game layout tools.
5, to carry out the game, the role of teachers to participate as activities, there are individual differences in child care guide.
6, tidying up staff in venues, the closing event.
7, students and teachers Summary of activities together, named into the summer months the oldest kindergarten children, although children in large classes is now, but many of them still keep the characteristics of middle shift the child's age. In the first month of school children will be the role of game show excitement and enthusiasm However, many problems also occur. If the new term do not know whether it can play the original theme, where each of the themes in the end play, toys, etc. to take in any place. In addition, many children will return to a few months ago the game level, the whole process much less the content of socialization, more action is some action in the doll house. hospitals and other topics will be many activities, the phenomenon of children fighting for toys. children playing motivation and simple, while also a characteristics of the relevant age, teachers have a grasp on the game at this stage should be the interface between attention and Intermediate Period. Some even use the requirements to guide the children middle shift.
II moving target
1. familiar with the game environment, can be bold in the game.
2. are willing to consult with the role of peers, understanding the role; have a role in consciousness.
three, the game guide
1. freedom of choice.
here including teachers to Children introduced the game environment, the placement of toys in the game, playing field relative division, including home-made toys to introduce children to provide material.
independent choice in child care, teachers and child care can also be a common theme of the game last term memories, talk about the game on the common joy of the semester thing, this can help children more appropriately into the game environment, the continuation of the theme can also play a role.
face large class of children free to choose the game theme, the role of companions, toys, and other teachers have enough attitude to allow them a children 2. self-start.
large classes of young children in September, after the commencement of the game was lively throughout the classroom, many children can be like INTERMEDIATE put into place when playing as there are some simple plot, and the same will also be some the role of match action. language, look, the teacher should share the children's emotional and happy gaming, and teacher's facial expressions, movements and simple words to encourage, for sure. guide children to > However, large classes in September, the process of role-playing games will be many problems, for example, want to play the new episode of a new theme but do not have enough experience; such as a clear role in the identity of children and do not talk to children without access to role-playing games friction between teachers and focused to fully observe and give guidance in due course.
comprehensive observation, including whether children are able to observe the class in the game boldly, but also teachers to understand the activities in the game process. teachers should focus on observing young children have a new theme: focus on a theme of the game observed.
timely guidance, including guidance when child care assistance, child care there is a dispute, resulting in excesses of timely guidance in due course when unsafe conditions guide ; also observed that children have with the match as the behavior of roles, actions, language given the encouragement, affirmation and guidance.
3. spontaneous exchanges.
to children after the end of the game or in the collective team before the game telling their own feelings, as teachers should first meet the children would say. love that psychology, which give him the game add a color, on this basis to guide children to be bright spot in the discourse of comments to guide children become more familiar with the game environment, to know the role to be negotiated, and the role of know what to feel Who Xiangshui, teachers can be in this part of the reviews, children can also be discussed through the organization to achieve their goals, so that children learn to get some experience.
lesson plans role-playing games (BIG)

moving target role-playing games: 1, to clear the role of their own responsibilities, and to guard posts;
2, to use polite language, a more quiet games;
Activities: doll house, hospital, barber shops, farms, banks, buses, supermarkets
active process: First, the introductory phrase
children, today we have to play doll house, and you not happy ah high ? last time we play the game at home when the baby, ah, Li Ziheng children play can stick pull, he, ah, originally doll house grandfather, but then he saw the doctors is not enough, it is because the children hospital run away, so he on his own to the hospital to help patients see a doctor.
and his methods and others do not see a doctor, he used the qigong, today, I want to see, not all children are able to find their work, and work to do the job, and, when we are doing the game is not to be quiet ah, so that a doctor in the hospital and the rest of the people will be able to rest well;
II , child care teachers in the game
guide: Key guidance doll house and dolls to play the role of the guests home with her mother to baby at home
general guidance can be applied in all service areas polite;
teachers Observation: 1, observe whether the children a good first move chairs and tables, Zaiqu Na toys;
2, observe whether the children themselves to solve some small problems encountered;
3, observed by teachers, children are able to asked guard their own posts, not the middle class run;
4, observe whether the children are quiet the voice of the game;
three, teacher evaluation
1, so that individual children introduced today its new discovery; and give recognition and encouragement;
2, in the game today to guard their own posts, and to use polite language to be recognition of child care;
3, children in the game for the whole class can lower the volume to be commended for the game and tell children in the next game also depends on their performance;
role-playing games: a dream come true
moving target:
1, children develop mutual communication, interaction capacity for coordination, promote language development.
2, children learn to make rational use of their role, through the actions, body language and appropriate action to reflect the characteristics of the role.
event preparation:
the role of area signs and badges; cut off by the regional shoe racks, tables and chairs, the role of area background music, birthday song disc, toy planes, children beds,
Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative: doctors, nurses hat; signs, registered a single, visual form, medical boxes, medical equipment ,
lot of pharmacies: hat, drug price tag, a variety of bottle kit, computer cash registers, said the human body,
Bread Story: hat, children made a variety of pastries, electronic, flour, rubber cement , mold, bread cake samples, plates, cups boxes, paper bags,
flower shop: a variety of artificial flowers and flower baskets, colored paper, glue sticks, straws, paper flowers made a number of children,
Bank of China: Withdrawal machine, banknotes, bank cards,
Emergency Center: Telephone, emergency vehicles,
public phone booths: telephone
active process:
1, import: the dream as a blueprint, leads to topic, stimulate children warm, expand the imagination of young children to explore ideas. After quietly make a is a great dream, right? day of work as the core, a complete display of children's imagination, so that children get the opportunity to imitate the practice.'s
cut to a : wearing uniforms, equipment and other whole
management, doctors, nurses, pasta division, pharmacists, cashiers, floral division, emergency medical, banking service personnel find their own place after its
he chose to enter a customer's child care activity area with Student ID card and password withdrawals for games.
3, the design situation, culminating into the activities, a patient suddenly collapsed and emergency medical efforts, stimulate children life-saving emotion.
4, activities The last, with the work of music sounded, the children finishing order uniforms, received good equipment, out of the activity area. Bread Story This is the time to prepare
active area of 500 elderly people celebrate the big birthday cake, the whole event end in a warm atmosphere.
role-playing games: the origin of the colorful clothing
game: Class recently launched understanding of colorful costumes, other materials, and put them to the art district to guide the children clothing production. as a teacher, please put a small model to produce their own clothing style show, the children very happy and made want to play . but not in the play area small audiences, young performers who think it is a pity, so want the game to open a small theater roles to perform, so a viewer to watch. Meanwhile, young children often find that what clothing stores sold out, is not enough, so in the game through the discussion had to open a
1, guide children to follow the theme of the game will determine, through bold imaginary, imitation, and play a social role, to creatively reflect the role of social responsibility and the role of social relations among each other.
2, can assign roles by means of consultation, a division of labor, friendly exchanges with peers, sharing the joy of the game, to solve problems in the game.
3, to guide children bold, creative alternatives and selection of play materials, according to the game activities in the region needs a simple toy made materials, develop children's imagination, creativity and hands-on operational capability.
4, through play, training children love life, caring, courtesy and good behavior to comply with the quality of rules .
5, consciously foster children are classified according to requirements, display materials and clean up the game's awareness and ability.

theme of the game the first game: doll house, shops, hospitals, snack bar
empirical support:
a doll house, shops, hospitals, snack bar of the game experience.
new material:
put children in a store in the regional activities in the
guiding points:
1, recently launched with the theme
class activities Buy this game content.
2, teachers focus in depth to the computer credit card payment.
3, in the ; between the exchange of information on the behavior of some of the correct representative to give the necessary evaluation.
4, reminded the snack bar of the ; to be civilized room off the floor. teachers immediately as the store attendant suggested the need for customers to buy goods according to their own, and take good care of their own items. As the store's customers buy more goods in the comments in the a person busy, then the next game when needed to add another proposal a no sense to immediately clean up, resulting in relatively dirty environment snack bar. consultative raised this issue when teachers help children to discuss how to resolve, the child could very well say each guest to eat something, and guests must be said again what to eat, I feel a lot of trouble, after discussion agreed to make a point of the menu.
class children to the level of property on behalf of the property has been greatly over Intermediate improved, most of the alternatives through the home-made toys to enrich the game; the same time, can take the initiative to hospitality, a guest, but the etiquette to be improved, teachers in the course of the next game as in-depth guide to the role.
second the Game
theme of the game: Add a small theater, doll house, shops, hospitals, eateries
empirical support:
activities in the region, ; game.
new material:
1, create a new scene: a small theater (to provide background decorated tree, tape recorders, music tapes, small chairs, the audience)
2, put children in a store in the area activities
1, teachers talk with their children raised by a new game theme, The players perform to a very exciting, but no small audience, more pity! So the young actor moved to recommend to the role of the small stage to the game, open a small theater. Today we opened a small theater would you, everyone happy you? a fashion show clean and tidy.
4, guide role-playing games and going to move, to open a small theater. In this discuss this issue with young children, and some say a re-look at br> In the doll house game, the teachers to the doll as a guest of a guest house, and guide young children pay attention to some of the basic etiquette of hospitality, but also found that children from the store to buy a lot of items, out of no place to put, throw all over the place To look a mess, the teacher reminded the children too many things, how to do it? children thought to have the items are returned to the store. In response to this phenomenon, teachers of young children in the comments presented and discussed when how to deal with out of the garbage is that? is thrown into the trash.
third game
theme of the game: small theater, doll house, shops, hospitals, eateries
empirical support:
rich guest children, the general etiquette of hospitality.
new material:
1, the required increase in store fashion show of clothing, accessories, etc..
2, for each doll house put a garbage basket.
guiding points:
1, inspired by the Theater performance, but to keep quiet, does not affect the actor's normal performance.
3, the doll house as a guest to guest, to remind children to keep clean and tidy home and thrown into the trash basket in the garbage.
game observation and to promote:
discussion in the last game, based on the activities of children in this game more orderly, the game plot has become more abundant. teachers once again to the doll house as a guest to guest, that young children can use the polite expression more warmly received the guests; same time, the children of the daily waste disposal has a profound experience, coupled with the discussion of the last game, children can be very consciously organize items and rubbish thrown into the trash in a timely manner. this game, there are A child care initiative to another house guest, the other family to have to follow children saw each other to invite them. So, how teachers guide children to a guest.
Little Theater beginning of the game The players are still in the rehearsal stage for props until to a number of small audiences, they realize they have to show. to see the show's young audience is also very happy, some wearing dark glasses, some wearing scarves to dress beautifully; some mothers with babies Some older sister with her brother to see the show; also bring the camera, camera phone to watch the performances hh order in good time.
when some children in the assessment that over, not enough ;, Ke Jia, said: some of the children agreed with the proposal Kejia, then discuss the decision to carry out the next game, This style
, then how to do? Shop
empirical support:
1, in the regional activities of the
new material:
provided in the clothing factory where all kinds of plastic bags, decorative paper, watercolor pencils, scissors and other materials.
guiding points:
1, teachers talk with children through jointly proposed a go to sell, so customers can buy their own clothes out. factory Factory Children made the game ;. Because it is a new game theme, so each child is very want to play, so the teachers to Please next time they can continue to apply. As the art area to produce a clothing experience, so the game started very quickly to produce children clothing come from. But in the course of the game, children seems to sense the process of making clothing interest and have no contact with other theme of the game, feeling a bit like art activity area, did not possess the nature of the game; the same time, orders for child care in the design of content delivery is more single, mostly small vest. it is proposed that after the end of the game < br> children to discuss : clothing factory, a small theater, doll house, shops
empirical support:
1, to discuss with the children about the Children under the need to design many different types of clothing orders.
3, use of learning activities focused on gloves, hats, scarves and other production methods.
new material:
put them in the doll house designed orders.
guiding points:
1, by talking about memories of the last game to discuss game play and content processing, and display order.
2, guide children to the shops delivery and the way to work enhance the to work; the same time, Clothing courier reminded of teachers can make good clothes to the store to sell; same time, the doll house child care can take the initiative to their own home orders for the required clothing, such as gloves, scarves, etc. to go to the store, but sent no later continued development of the plot, that is to pick up. So in the game, I specifically asked to seek orders for the children of Lin Shu Yi: from what went on my smile go out into the store, the next she is a salesperson Lin Yin-yung, said: Wait a minute. Lin Yin-jung said the word: a cry to go. Thus, the children could not experience ordering and shipping the game, but the teacher can gradually expand the circumstances prompt, so after the end of the game for the problems in the game together with the children to discuss the ordering and delivery The game plot, some of them said, . how to do?

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