Thursday, March 31, 2011

Building personal influence

 Create attractive professional managers is not only the wisdom of his keen insight, more important is his character. Leadership is essentially Is the impact of being leader of the process , a key to successful leadership has extraordinary influence in order to more effectively influence and change are affected by psychological and behavior. Individual character is the main this influence Sources. A true leader can get people the support and love , depends largely on the cultivation of his character ; same time, a good character to get people's identity, thus endowing him with the appropriate authority; only good Good character in order to attract people to imitate and identify with , making it easier to form a team or organization's integrity, leadership becomes effective . Personal moral character and personality that contains two aspects, which is the main personal charm to Source. Rich professional knowledge and good personal charm and eloquence is an indispensable condition, of course , excellent professional managers will establish and maintain good personal image, a charming professional managers were not good One image is unthinkable.

Yang Lan said , very classic!

 Man's face is not handsome, but in years of accumulated wisdom and calm.
2. hard, too comfortable life; comfortable, had a hard day.
3. Marriage requires another outside the bonds of love, is not the most robust of a child, not money, but about the spirit of common development, it is a partnership. Time in the most helpless and weak, in the most depressed and lackluster, there he (she) hold up your chin, straighten your spine, the command you be strong and stay with you about the fate of a common subject. At that time, the feelings between you but love, and utter devotion of loyalty, never betray a tacit understanding, and kindness Mingxinkegu.
4. I have often asked the secret of success, in fact, there are only three: first, self-confidence and his letter; second encounter unfair things are right frame of mind; third, first, to create for others, to establish a good the interpersonal atmosphere. Even if a scientist today to the results, a person can not be fully arranged, more and more important in today's individual labor, cooperation particularly valuable. Of course, the key to the success of each person is different, if you are a timid person, the key to success is courage, if you are an adventurous person, the key to success may be widely Nabokov made, I still believe, face the past We must ask why, and the future, we should ask why not?
5. I want to give you a word, good woman is no good end, unless you find a good husband.
6. What makes us continue to move on after the disappointment? Is called
7. sometimes teasing fate lies in the fact you have been hesitant, until finally determined, the time has come to a curtain call.
8. you can not succeed, but you can not grow. Some may hinder your success, but no one will stop you grow.
9 .. reality is always less than perfect, so hope is like a gamble. Lost very painful, it would rather not pursue it?
11. young, when you begin to get too easy, you think that is the result of my efforts, only turning back, more mature when you are gone you may find that many people are actually holding you.
12. is such a noisy time, your mood depends on your voice heard today from the direction. The face of the era of massive information, and sometimes you will not help to find all the sounds right about face, no choice will drown you, so you can not figure out exactly how your mood.
13. In my opinion the toughest ties of marriage, not children, not money, but to grow spiritually. Love is sometimes a loyalty, not only that this person is very ill, or he broke you still with him. There is another, and when he feel very confused, very painful, and even angry at your body, you still know he loves you. I experienced a lot of confusion, but my husband Wu belongs to the kind of special sense of obligation, no matter how you like, I'll go with you together. These forces are very powerful. When you walk through that period of time, turn around and you will be particularly grateful to that person.
14. full of wise words, I am very grateful.
15. these children have lost their mother, but can not lose maternal love, long life in post-disaster reconstruction, education, psychological counseling and other aspects, to help them grow up healthily. I especially hope that this action was the participation of more female friends, to the loss of his mother sent the children motherly love.
16. I remember that I graduated from college in 1990, when we are playing with a manual typewriter paper. Later, a graduate student gave me a 286 computer. On one occasion, but also play paper, hit three or four o'clock in the morning when, crash, and the content did not save, I started to cry, this article the next day to pay, and something written in front could not remember. To the end of that time felt the same, but still re-written to wipe away the tears. This experience is very valuable for me. I always feel like I do now thanks to my willpower, I will not admit defeat, at this point, I feel I am successful.
17. Life is far from certain, as I take a hot air balloon experience. Hot air balloon operator can do is adjust the height of the balloon to capture a different direction, and the specific routes and placement of the balloon to dignity. This is exactly the charm of a hot air balloon: there is the possibility of control, but also retains the uncertainty, so any precise set of flight than are more exciting. In fact, the pleasure of life, too, all in between this set and the uncertainty, you never know how successful or not, enjoy the process is most important.
18. Whether it is
Lan classic quotations: make friends with the thinking.

one: to develop reading habits
in the process of interaction with others, conversation and self-cultivation is to conquer others. Like reading the girl, she must be silent and have a good attitude, must speak correctly and elegantly intellectual export woman.
II: a taste
taste is a person to see things in the attitude, the same thing, different people look different the next version will appear. In some extent, a person's taste and her temperament is complementary, depending on the level of quality in daily life of a girl on the discovery of new things.
Third: To try to discover the beauty of life do not always remind myself
encounter misfortune, to know in this world than you have a lot of people, unfortunately, as long as they looked up to see the sun is lucky, advertised himself as a man what kind, she can only live in their own hearts to set their own prison, only the positive sentiment will make life better, that tomorrow will be better than today, if you worked hard society must be fair, do not complain about life, or you can prove that no real effort.
four: the excellent and thoughtful person with friends
to begin a purpose to choose friends and social contacts in the very important, do not make friends easily, but make friends, you will be on They pay a sincere, good or bad you people, others are clearly visible. With their own faith with those who thought it best to make friends!
five: the bubble away from the television drama
Prince Charming and Cinderella are all life long for a boy or girl, it does not really exist, and girls should not indulge in this build false fairy tale atmosphere, it will allow them to directly influence their outlook on life and values, like get rich overnight, or in life there may be destitute, and no love and affection, as the film and will never be cruel.
learn patience and tolerance because there may be some time because you care about to make you lose self-esteem, to be blamed for uneducated women. Good friendly people who smile, that is able to shame the other side, and can leave a generous and considerate to others a good impression. Patience is not weakness, nor is Shangzi Zun, but tolerant United States. Life will encounter a lot of unfair things that you will encounter many people who can not accept, we can not try to change others, very angry with the behavior of loudly accusing others, it is better to understand the mentality to each other With a smile, no one person will not hurt a good person.
seven: a healthy mind, body
focus on their own body is the most important, I believe everyone knows, but when done really is not a simple matter. Twenties girl has been in the diet should start to pay attention.
Eight: Let beauty be your capital
at the appropriate time to hold enough of your beautiful voice. Good looks are not every girl has, let your good looks to become the capital, when needed with the use of it and it can open a lot of difficulties in your life, although sometimes people say that girls are beautiful vase However, if placed in a vase right place, it is art. Has a beautiful appearance but also has the inherent wisdom of women is excellent.
Nine: left any one man, you are alive and well
who can grasp the feeling things are not won, and why to be a man and let yourself in an unpleasant mood as well? One does not know how to appreciate your man, you are not eligible sad sad for him, every girl is beautiful, she was waiting for a man who appeared to understand her, a man of the left, can only say that a man who understands you has not yet appeared, a man not a girl full of life.
once I thought I left him I could not live, then I asked myself a hundred times: to leave him, I can not live? Results One hundred twenty times the answer is: I will live well. The girls do not trample on their own, do not think that compromises will be able to return a man's love, love is beautiful, the girls are beautiful, and no desecration of a man! Appreciate you leave the men do not understand, this is the most magnificent turn, though unwilling, but it hurts, but so have no energy to operate your work or study.
Ten: with financial motivation, learning investments to business
twenties girl, we must learn to financial management, no matter how much your income now, we must plan a future for you, the wise woman should know how to spend money, it is still an art.
XI: Love and marriage is jointly owned
girl to the twenties, we must face the pressure of the marriage, and some people will say Love and marriage are two different things, a man married woman is able to live together , not necessarily their true love, a woman to marry is to give yourself a warm and comfortable home, but does not have to be that their true love. Faced with these words, like a lot of people are married to marriage, family and social pressures, in order to get married and get married. Some people marriage is a purpose may be to make themselves a place to stay, it may be helpful to the cause of the future, there may be what your body from the other side.
ask those sweet wedding, you know sometimes love and marriage is jointly owned, the so-called marriage is the tomb of love, can only say do not know how to operate the two sides of love, I believe when two people decide to get married , the two sides must have feelings for each other, just days after marriage for love become dull. This is just because after marriage, men and women have laid down their love of romance, into the work. Those who do not marry the girl, do not get married away for certain purposes, marriage is a very simple thing, Do not get so complicated, I believe that every girl is eager to love. When the girl met the man when his beloved, you will find, want him, it may not matter rich or poor, does not matter of life and death. Do not marry the girl to get married, and do not want a life to get married.
second: Who says women than men and girls to
twenties, we must firmly believe that whether in life or in the workplace, not only men could have made contributions to the capital there are many women in the slightly dominant women in the workplace, and in some industries, women will play their own unique strengths to Pinbo a woman in the kitchen do not always think about the development, the ability of the female talent that allows men to appreciate, now unfashionable housewives the role of the outside world has a lot of wonderful women waiting to pursue. Women do not want to attach
a man in this society, no one will be no reason to care who. How to attach a man a woman, she did not own thoughts, compulsive in this environment, men also like to have personality and capable woman. To it, as long as you have your own piece of the sky, you afraid of this piece of sky without clouds it? As long as you are a talented woman and a man not afraid to enjoy the good you?
Thirteen: to find a husband can help you achieve your dream girl
to the twenties, it has to have a clear dream, and then to fight for this dream, when you do identify after a dream Do not change, just like when you find that can help you achieve your dream of a man, do find ways to make him as your husband. Some women dream of their own do not think one person can achieve, or some very good woman, maverick want through their own efforts to realize their dreams, but if backed up with a man, this dream can be well implemented, in particular, to provide financial support to the men.
life now seems to be little girls have dreams, some girls just want to have a simple work with simple love, and a man happy life together. But the real good men, they will want their wife is ambitious woman, so if a woman has a dream, a man will fully support. Women can make their dreams with a man to marry together with their own, as long as he is willing to help you achieve your dreams, to appreciate that he is your man.
fourth: let young wanton some smiles to some of
twenties, after the girl, that is, positive youth, youth can have a lot of unbridled brand-release. Girls can be stubborn when appropriate, we could be proud when appropriate, we could make those beautiful lips slightly affects. Is the most beautiful girls in their twenties, and can freely laugh, cry can be stubborn. Girls do not afraid of losing their twenties, youth is just beginning, we have lost the capital, we can re-start their pursuit. Twenties, most girls really do themselves, leave the most beautiful smile, so that the presentation of love are sharp, to Ganaiganhen, dare to seek.
after the girl to the twenties, is the most beautiful flower in full bloom, flowering season of girls have to remember that open only to watch herself, do not let their flowering period for others to accept unnecessary destruction. Twenties girl is a cup of tea, one of the delicate taste must be left to people who know, do not let people who do not taste the pure flavor of your violation. Twenties girl is the sky blue chip, but it is sad, it can be large, but, remember, it must be a pursuit.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Punctuality is the philosophy of love

 Love happen, no matter it?
not. True feelings do not need to chase. Two people's understanding, in the shorter distance between two hearts slowly, slowly in the unconscious near each other. From friends to lovers, true love is not be long before the. You like him from the moment, perhaps he is also the moment in love with you. With the rhythm of love can often play the most beautiful music of the most harmonious. What true love? Need two people together is relaxed and happy, there is no pressure.

love a person is unqualified to pay it?
not. Everyone is an independent, we first of their own, we have ideas, we have a personality, rather than all of us gave each other. We have reservations, such as you do not want that privacy, there is a secret talent is mature, is not it? Sometimes it's better not say.

appearance and personality which is more important?
men tend to like pretty young woman, 25 years old, and his character will choose the right woman to live together and their own people.
like a person, too hasty, but good. First, because the more the more you want not; Second, it is difficult to get the treasure, comes to go. Steady and some will be more long-term love.
hard to love easy to get along. The most important thing is to get along tolerance and compromise, on the basis of trust and understanding. No tolerance and compromise, any two people can not get along.
pure love may be only one, but not necessarily only one true love.
time will heal all wounds.
In fact, we can fall in love with many people. We do not like someone, but like a certain type of person. First to the people we met, so we came together happily; for the latter to the people, can only cling to apologize at the same time, wish him a speedy find his own happiness.
No one is non-life have not love a person, often the person is actually used
; reality and romance which is more important?
reality. No reality-based, Romance is in the air. Campus love often end with graduation, mostly because of unrealistic, not a city. Mutual appreciation of each other only admire people who have their own strengths, the collision will spark the most beautiful, but also will bear the sweetest fruit of love.

we can be friends after breaking up?
best not to. Cut, and chaotic. Passed over them, we do not live in the past, but now. Love does not equal life, just part of life.
looks better than the other side Do not give up their pursuit of the plan, and looks just a momentary impression, the real decision depends on whether the combination of the two sides of the character. Handsome guy with ugly, ugly guy with too much.
love time can be long as long as possible. This is at least two advantages: first, full, as long as possible to enjoy the pleasure of love, two, the longer they live, the more testing is really to each other, the more able to see whether the two characters come together.
love your want to know a person to see him with you have no vitality, it does not happy, there is love, no that is not love Love is not moved, you the ideal is not his partner, even if the moment accept you, it will run into one of his favorite, as will leave you. Easy to some emotional ups and downs, this person is very difficult to maintain a long-term relationship.
romance is what?
are flowers? Walking in the rain? Front of the stands do not? If two people love each other, focused, and do nothing, the relative quiet will feel romantic. Otherwise, even if they sit on the moon dating is a romantic feel.
good match does not matter whether the most important hing when the interest should be right, otherwise there is no common language, even together, will still feel lonely.
lasting love from the heart of true love from each other, on an equal basis. Any Zhigu crazy love loved regardless of whether they have or do not know who would enjoy being loved and people who truly love will not be a good ending.
love both venture capital, inevitably, never to return, romance is normal thing. Loved, enough. Since I can not together, there can not reason together. Because you can not bear others to irresponsible game, retaliation, or fall, played their game, always end in themselves. Moreover, he does not love you, you do not care about him.
If you fall in love, do not easily let go the opportunity. Rash, may make you regret it for a while; cowardice, it may make you a lifetime regret. Did not experience the love of life is not complete without experiencing the pain of love is not profound. Love makes life rich and painful to love sublimation.
you may accustomed to with their current partner, obviously do not like, but with a long time, used to make people less willing to make new choices. Life will be faced with numerous choices. When given the opportunity to choose you, you must be careful; Once you make the choice, would never regret it; get affordable, let go, the break is broken, the forgotten, put it forget; of the treasure, to take it cherish

We always said: .
Yes, we always thought that we would love to find a man she loved. But later, when we suddenly look back, we will find what they once naive. If never started, how do you know she will love love that person? In fact, love the feeling, is to experience a lot of things together until after discovery. Perhaps everyone would like to find their partner in mind one hundred percent, but have you ever thought you had already been around will give you a long time in silence, but you just do not find it?
So, still a closer look at the people around you, he might have been waiting for you a long time. When you love someone, love to just eight absolute good. All the expectations and hopes are only Qi Bafen, and the remaining two or three points to love yourself. If you continue to love even more, is likely to give each other a heavy pressure, so that each breath, completely lost the love of fun.
So remember, drink no more than six drunk, eat no more than seven full, love a person no more than eight. If you are confused for love, perhaps the following words can give you some inspiration: love a person, to understand but also open solution; to apologize also thanks; to admit also error correction; to be understanding and considerate; is to accept rather than endure; is tolerant and not condoned; is to support, not dominate; is sympathy, not questioned; is talk, not a complaint; is memorable but not forgotten; is communicate with each other and not explain everything; is silent pray for each other rather than to the many other requirements. Can be romantic, but do not waste, do not casually hand, not to let go.
romantic reunion with their spouses described: among the millions of people in the wilderness of the time, neither earlier nor a late step, you happen to meet. Well with two people, you may wish to think it. If not, you need to understand whether a person together, but the probability of a simple enough question. Thousands of pass, you will come and to whom you have a chance to bond, not a vertical, there will be B. Do not be silly to imagine that the wood and stone and other former Union-like fate, and life can there be so many legends. Do not awake dreaming, do not you forget that although the source of artistic life, still higher than life?

Thursday, March 24, 2011

The story of a margin of word

 Lotus ... like snow in the mountains ... , warm, happy, looking forward, harmony, all this in this cold winter will unknowingly take root, the heart with the falling night, with the sunrise, just because I can meet you, my edge. -
encounter is the edge of acquaintance is the edge of knowing each other is the edge of the sea is also the edge. So what is margin in the end? Fox humble pen and actually write a lot of new ideas, we might still refer to paragraphs of the text is most like it: -
Yellow Crane Tower, the Li Bai and Meng Haoran wave of the hand, Gu Fan Yuan shadow, blue sky the Yangtze River and set-sung in the Thousand Friends of the moving edge; qin table, leisurely Qinyun, always playing the Yu Boya and Zhong Son of the edge of the mountains and streams of the Concert. Thus, in the historical evolution of the whispering gallery, we heard, the margin is the same table you lent me half a rubber, the margin is known to have been once in a lifetime is enough of a sigh! - / p>
repair sail together a hundred years, the Millennium repair to a bed sleeping. from the Cowherd and Weaver Girl Magpie Bridge Butterfly butterfly love to meet; tenderness Feelings from the shore to the Bi willow screens anxiously waiting under. We say that marriage will accompany a thousand miles. Thus, in the beautiful season of love, fate is like to be hitched in the day, in the way trees with branches, the sonorous commitments; edge is your hand, and vowed to grow old with you clank; edge of the world is willing to get married lovers pious wish. -
Buddha, five hundred times Review of past life, life in exchange for a pass. . . . . You are a needle in heaven, I was on the ground a grain of rice, and in the fall to the ground the moment, I tie in your heart, thousands of people I only heard one of your footsteps. Visible edge of the hard-won. So, when an unexpected edge, how are we to face? Xi Yuan. Treasure that God's blessing, cherish this rare fate. Do not expect too much, do not expect to forever, forever do not care, only care they have. -
Each edge can not grips, somehow. Together is the edge, edge is missing. Edge to such as polyethylene, the geopolitical to have wind. Buddha once said, the margin is life, sometimes self-affinity hit, hit that no time missed, when the edge of life where the lack of bulk. This is the edge. However, no copies of affinity. Therefore, the fate goodly portion of luck, the margin of Fun's gone, no longer is the natural fate. The wrong time met the right person, right time, met the wrong person, you get good luck in Granville sigh when you can comfort yourself, once the edge of polyethylene is also a lucky. -
sure that your acquaintance is the edge, inadvertently add you, no reason a small accident, a lot of coincidence, or is not thought he would like you, but fate let us meet met friend , but let hyacinth takes you to my life, Green is the Willow dew point of light dip million a month to write under the red maple Acacia. This year's autumn, you are my heavy harvest this season, we picked a red bean common. Because of you, fall color will always remain in the depths of memory, because of you, no longer afraid of the cold and long winter Ling. Quiet night, shared by members of a warm green tea, moonlight, were listening to the melodious blue sky. Think you have a habit, regardless of the setting sun at dusk, or the four winds of winter. Together care packages from the bits and pieces, deep into the diary kept by memory. Shared by members of a margin, in the future through the rain yesterday, today and tomorrow. -
back to the old song thoughts, met you are my fate, metion seek edge, how can you than I knew them, it? Although the margin of our very short, but I will take to cherish, as long as you happy, I will be very happy, all the way to go hand in hand, I would. 

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Guangzhou Garden Hotel -Garden Hotel Guangzhou-5 subway

 Distinguished service! Five-star Enjoy!!
24 hours in advance Tel: 62397588
Fax: 22284826
Services Supervision Hotline: 39558898
more information, visit:
Guangzhou Garden Hotel (The Garden Hotel Guangzhou), the acknowledged leaders in industry practice, from the opening date in 1985, contains twenty-renowned Chinese and foreign, is currently the largest five-star business hotel.
Guangzhou Garden Hotel is the fruit of reform and opening up Chinese and foreign cooperation. Her birth and development, has been the central, provincial and municipal leaders at all levels, and Hong Kong and Macao, overseas celebrities enthusiastic support, Comrade Deng Xiaoping inscribed the name for the Garden Hotel.
Guangzhou Garden Hotel is located in location Huanshi very superior the heart of the thriving business district, is the ease of traffic exchange points. hotel dozens of times daily shuttle service between Baiyun International Airport and railway station. The subway line will start at the hotel door before connecting the hub of Guangzhou to Dongguan. and the subway at the same time that the unified planning of the Guangzhou Municipal Government Square Garden, the garden square in front of the hotel and Baiyun Hotel, Friendship Store, Park Lane Plaza, World Trade Center and other buildings together into one , a new France, Italy, Japan and other multi-national cuisine; newly refurbished International Convention Center is equipped with the world leader in advanced trend of video conferencing systems can be larger situation will be the occasion to reflect modern, classic and luxury of the perfect fusion; being renovated the fourth floor of celebrity club , Guangzhou will become fully functional, luxurious style celebrities for business, leisure and cultural resources; 10 function rooms, and the supporting facilities, to meet the different needs of guests a high standard of diverse business services. Other facilities include three underground parking, an international brand shopping malls, outdoor swimming pool, squash courts, tennis courts, health and beauty salon. In addition, the hotel also offers travel agents, ticket center, banks, post offices, car rental and other services. Hotel annual traffic of nearly 40 million people, is the universal choice for business travelers stay. (auxiliary building 30 stories tall 21-storey room 1112 / set)
usual list price:
Room type
store Price
is scheduled to price
immediately booked
usual price weekend price

¥ 1530
¥ 750
¥ 750
¥ 20
excluding breakfast
elite housing
¥ 1714
¥ 950
¥ 950
¥ 20
one breakfast
Deluxe Room
¥ 2888
¥ 1380
¥ 1380
¥ 20

1587 ¥ for a single early morning and spa
Double Executive Suite
¥ 2967
¥ 1880
¥ 1880
¥ 20

1975 ¥ for double-double early morning, water treatment.
Deluxe Executive Suite
¥ 5888
¥ 2330
¥ 2330
¥ 20
double including breakfast, water treatment packages 2075 yuan / night.
prices during the trade fair:

room type during the trade fair scheduled to price < br> Integral
whether breakfast
immediately booked
¥ 2200
¥ 2650
¥ 2000
¥ 50
single recess early
19-21,27-29,5 Price: 1100 yuan / night. without early
elite housing
¥ 2400
¥ 2800
¥ 2200
¥ 50
single recess early
19-21,27-29,5 Price: 1250 yuan / night. without early
Deluxe Room
¥ 3000
¥ 3300
¥ 2500
¥ 50
single recess early
19-21,27-29,5 price: 1,600 yuan / night. without early
Chief Suite
¥ 3250
¥ 3500
¥ 2850
¥ 50
double recess early
19-21,27-29,5 Price: 2000 yuan / night. Breakfast
Deluxe Executive Suite
¥ 3650
¥ 3950
¥ 3400
¥ 50
double recess early
19-21,27-29,5 Price: 2400 yuan / night. with Other early
transport distance: Distance from the airport: 35 kilometers away from Guangzhou Railway Station Distance: 4 km from the city center Distance: 1 km.
bus lines: 234,269,278,301 , 522,545,549,550,561,833,886 A, 886, 13 Summit Express, Summit Express 2, 25 nights, 46 nights and other get off to the Garden Hotel, Station 2.
subway lines: Line 5 A station that is to import and export of gold.
Airport Express: 2 B Line to Express Garden Hotel Station.
Neighborhood: Yuexiu Park, Luhu, Guangdong Art Museum, the martyrs cemetery, zoo, Yi An Plaza , Guangzhou World Trade Center, World Plaza, Plaza International Building, Guangzhou Television Center, World Trade Center, La Plaza, the three Mao Hotel, Dapeng International Plaza, Guangzhou Asia International Hotel, Plaza Agile, China Plaza, East River city, Guangdong Provincial People's Hospital.
conference facilities: medium-sized conference rooms.
entertainment facilities: discos, discos, karaoke OK, chess room, billiard room, video game rooms, swimming pool, bowling alley , tennis courts, squash courts, fitness room, sauna, bar, beauty salon.
services: business center, parking, currency exchange, wake up service, ticketing, DDD telephone, IDD telephone, laundry, disabled rooms , shopping malls, flower shop, clinic.
Internet: free broadband internet access all rooms.

Missed 10 games in the history of the classic game

 NO.10 for leading the strategy game. Series for the requirements of the first players to create a down. Civilization series with its highly addictive, in Civilization IV is even an alarm installed for this purpose, so at the appropriate time to remind players: play time is too long. Of course, we always play when should turn off the alarm, and we can not tolerate anything to disturb our works that have been proven. It's starting point is the 1989 sale of Sim City.Sim series challenges players intelligence, rather than testing their dexterity. In this series of scarcely more than the game, does not exist Metroid, for the players to bring a strong female lead. This shooting game in its popular sense and explore a variety of alien worlds can be arbitrary, by the players love. Metroid Prime for the first time to the work completed 3D shape of the conversion, and is the first person shooter! hardcore gamers who are somewhat worried about this conversion, but when they actually enter a huge battle Samus suit, through her mask to see the outside world, all fear is gone . the world players are in the game room and a huge boss and fascinating. No doubt, it is the strongest in the history of one of the series.
NO.7 list, and can be regarded as creating a game alone in the type of series, very few. But PS on the 1996 debut of the Resident Evil could be considered one. This series of two successful films and even into the cinemas. Many imitation of the Resident Evil game concept, but did not really grasp what a work of its unique style: eerie adventure and excitement of the battle. and to appear in the series, when about to slack off, as most modern games the subject of one of the successful Animal hegemony, coupled with massively multiplayer online role-playing game World of Warcraft on sale. Today, beyond the 7.5 million worldwide users of WOW, has become a pop culture phenomenon, that the famous animated satire also uses the staff to funny. WarCraft III are fully qualified to work real-time strategy series into the Top 25 rankings, but is it to promote World of Warcraft, the top 10.
NO.5 Series
to establish something like a game series, Konami quite the line In 1988, Metal Gear for the first time, the launch of picture effects and deep story works, and rare. It covers 12 hosts, with seven orthodox works, 8 piece of information, 4 sticks of work, as well as cartoons and movies are being planned in the Metal Gear series is mm the kind of rare, and can always maintain the great vitality of the game.
NO.4 Most of the action pass works type, about vampire hunting whip hand of St Belmont heroic deeds of the family. players battling to eliminate the remnants of the ghosts of all the world. In 32-bit machine age, in the PS host launch of the City: Rhapsody under the moon works on the DS to get even greater expansion. While yet to be a thorough Castlevania 3D of successful transition, but no doubt it is definitely the best game in the history of Palestinian people mad series dropped one.
NO .3 However, the orthodox of all FF works, are each have their own unique world. This series of works derived from the rumor that very much, but until 2003 RPG series in a variety of host to keep the overwhelming advantage of over 20 years. a luxury FMV transitions, music and fascinating people resonate with the story, .
NO.2 for the initial, not only can save your game progress joined the revolutionary features, but also brought one of the earliest, allowing players to explore any open world. Zelda created a , the game world were changed forever. Recent Wii sold work, 1 A game the entire industry back to life. Although Nintendo has continued to explore his later use of value, but for those of us with 20 years of enough.
not even Heroes, Three Kingdoms, inexplicable ing
Sakura Wars .....

Monday, March 21, 2011

A value of 80 million dollars in the Olympic Football Package

【Dewy is the list of Chinese delegation, the largest in the accident】 【generous
Xie Yalong, spent 80 million dollars to buy a 08 Dewy Olympic Cup Package】
Beijing July 25, 2008 Beijing Olympic Chinese sports delegation was formally established, although the specific list has not yet been released, but it certainly is the biggest accident in the list will not be defeated Zhu Lin badminton team, not losing teams Yeshuai trampoline, not compete for the first payment missed of Yang Lian, Zhang Guozheng not even be unsuccessful, but impressively the Dewy.
reality and can not give the name of Samuel Doe as an embarrassment to the list appear in the Olympic coach, a reasonable explanation.
If Dewy is the name the Olympic coach, then he should be in the top of the list that, in fact, at the top is the Samuel Doe came in front of.
reality is that Dewy has been formally in the previous class, if we do not need to take account of the name, then Dewy into the coach in such a ranking list to highlight the absurd. things like has been completely into Lenggong queen and the emperor were asked to continue sharing a bed, and bed and Chong Fei.
this list, when released, Dewy gay fat alone is painstaking intelligence gathering in Europe, only China can be a football coach and a equate intelligence agents.
Dewy I do not know the history of football is the most expensive intelligence agents to gather intelligence in terms of capacity, Xie Yalong fact, can use the $ 400,000 annual salary to hire a KGB.
Dewy returned from Europe to collect information and concluded that The Chinese Football Association for his purchase of the 08 Olympic football matches in the package, the value of this package is 80 million dollars (Dewy two years of salary).
no matter from which angle, Samuel Doe became a 1099 list member is a black humor.
for Chinese football is concerned, there is already a gallows humor from the habit.
when we suddenly become Olympic outsiders for the Dewy but sadly, there is no thought , is doing castle, but only allowed, but also not recognized.
example, in the share of fresh IOC said the list of 18 +4, Yin Tiesheng that this is not his goal, but a good long set. But even before the Samuel Doe, said after the mere figurehead?

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Application of P group --- the birth of RAPD molecular markers of the backbone of maize inbred ...

 Application of RAPD molecular markers for groups of inbred lines by
[Papers] ZHAO Jiu-Ran, Guo Jinglun, Guo Qiang, Wei Deming, Kongyan Fang, Zhao Jiuran, Guo Jinglun, Guo Qiang, Yu Deming, Kong Yanfang - Agricultural Technology understand.
The following is a draft at the time, cluster map is hand painted, and there is no formal post there!
application of RAPD molecular markers for key groups of inbred lines of maize
Research by
Abstract: RAPD markers for 25 of the current genetic relationships of maize inbred lines were divided into groups. This study established from seed, bud and leaf tissue DNA extraction method of trace . RAPD primers from box A to O test a total of 300 primers were screened with a PCR product of maize polymorphism primer 40, which was particularly evident with the 10 polymorphic primers. They are F3, O20, A19 , M2, M6, N11, N12, N19, C7 and G14 and so on. 10 primers according to established bands of 0,1-type data to calculate the genetic distance between the 25 inbred lines, and cluster analysis. The results show that: tested a total of 25 inbred lines can be divided into 5 groups. I class Sipingtou blood system: including the Huang early four, Kyrgyzstan 853, yellow wild four, four from four, 196,81515,404, H21, etc. 8 a; II Reid Yellow Dent class blood system: including 478,488,3189,7922,8112, B sharp 8,5005 a total of seven inbred lines, etc.; Ⅲ class system for the blood of Lancaster include: MO17, As early as 49, 22 so a total of more than 3; Ⅳ class Ludahonggu blood system: only one inbred line E28. The first class Ⅴ total of P78, 9502,178, P138, 007, P17 and other six inbred lines. This group are hybrids from the United States 78599 Progeny from. and two other groups the United States Reid Yellow Dent and Lancaster system between the system far. crosses between them most of the optional hybrid with a strong advantage. This group of inbred lines of maize breeding and production in China on the application will be further expanded. The results showed that: Maize RAPD molecular markers and pedigree wears Grouping agreement. by hybridization between different inbred lines , the yield performance of hybrid vigor, but also verify the application of RAPD markers by five different groups of the correctness of kinship.
Key words: RAPD groups of maize inbred lines divided by
accurate affinity groups, to establish taking advantage of the corresponding hybrid model, targeted matching crosses, will greatly reduce the breeding of blindness and improve breeding efficiency. in the past often used by foreign scholars group methods are: (1) Difference between morphological characteristics according to the method vulnerable to environmental conditions; (2) based on geographical origin and division of pedigrees. But geographical distance does not necessarily exist between inbred heterosis, of unknown origin or source of the pedigree of germplasm difficult to accurately divide the complex; (3) through a large number observed with the parental ability to pay the performance test to determine that this method takes a lot of manpower, material resources, and time consuming; (4) isozyme technology to provide a way to divide groups. But it provides genetic loci is limited, difficult to distinguish between many materials; (5) RFLP markers. to provide a more extensive polymorphism, to overcome the appeal of the defect, has been used successfully by groups of maize inbred lines (5), (6). The results consistent with the pedigree. However, because of complicated operation, technical complexity, high cost, typically using isotope labeling, are not easily mastered by the majority of corn breeders, and come from behind because of RAPD markers is simple, small amount of sample, polymorphism of the rich, environmental conditions and developmental stages from the impact of the economic advantages of fast and is widely used. Fukuoka (13), who used 28 primers of 16 rice varieties were RAPD amplification reactions and put them into three categories , and consistent with the conclusions of RFLP classification. Yang and Quiros (11), who use the technology classification of celery satisfactory results are obtained in the corn, Xin-Zhi Liu (2) and others with 6 to 15 RAPD primers maize inbred lines were divided into groups, the results consistent with the pedigree method. In this study, RAPD molecular markers of inbred lines and part of our excellent choice system, a total of 25 study materials were divided into groups, from the molecular level for the use of corn breeders group with good heterosis hybrid model provides a basis.
1, Materials and methods
tested materials used in this study of 25 maize inbred Department of maize production in our country a representative part of the backbone system and breeding in recent years, the advantages of the system unit. All materials were tested after 2 years of field observations, proved homozygous genetically stable, consistent and tidy, and bagging since pay. examination Inbred name, number and pedigree experiments in Table 1

1-2-1 DNA extraction using Guojing Lun, etc. (3) improved seeds of maize single-DNA extraction New Methods: dry seeds, will take off the seed embryo, into the 1.5ml centrifuge tube, add 100ul chloroform grinding, then add 300ulDNA extract (100mM Tris-Hcl, 50mM EDTA, 50mM Nacl, 1.5% SDS ) were mixed after the 10,000 rev / separation heart 2
minutes, the supernatant by adding pre-absorption of anhydrous ethanol with 500ul 1.5ml centrifuge tubes,
Table 1
inbred Name
American hybrids as early as 3147
Tangsipingtou four natural variants
yellow wild four
(early yellow pheasant red t d) t baidunzi Huang
four from four as early as four yellow t
from 330
early as four yellow t Mexico Department of
early as four yellow t from 330
Huangzao four tH84
Huangzao four t340
(100t short C103S2 Fung Wah ) t Huangzao four
tour the United States Department of A419HTt 9 W 14
U.S. Hybrids 3382
U8 U.S. corn hybrids
than the tip of eight
(B73t tip 2) t8112
U.S. corn hybrids P78599
U.S. corn hybrid species P78599
U.S. corn hybrids P78599
U.S. corn hybrids P78599
early 49
more than 22
U.S. corn hybrids P78599
U.S. corn hybrids P78599
back and forth gently upside down 2 times, 12,000 rev / 1 min isolated hearts, drained supernatant, add 70% ethanol washed, air dried directly into 100ul TE, to be fully dissolved supernatant spare.
1 -2-2 RAPD reaction conditions and detection methods
RAPD amplification products in the PTC-100PCR reaction is carried out instrument, the OPERON primers produced for the United States, length of 10bp. The reaction program was: 940C denaturation for 1 minute, 940C denaturation for 20 seconds, 370C combination of primers and templates for 1 minute, 720C heat for 5 minutes, to extend more fully.
reaction system: Each 25ul reaction solution including the 10m mol / L Tris-Hcl (pH8.0), 50m mol / L Kcl, 2m mol/LMgcl2, gelatin 0.001%, 4tdnTps were 0.2m mol / L; primer 1umol / L, 1.5 units TaqDNA polymerase, 40ngDNA template.
PCR products were 1TAE buffer conditions, 1.2% agarose gel electrophoresis, ethidium bromide staining, observed under ultraviolet light photography.
statistical methods can be distinguished for each RAPD amplified products represent a site of amplified bands per locus based on the availability of the statistics, there are counted as 1, no count is 0. sample distance formula:
dij = b / (a + b) t100
a: that two species have the same number of bands
b: two species that have not the same distance between bands of
class are classified by group average method to calculate the computer to complete.
2, the results Analysis
2-1 RAPD markers determination results
from 300 primers amplified a product of the 25 inbred lines with 40 polymorphic primers, accounting for 13.3% of primer. with a particularly marked 10 polymorphic primers, they are: F3, O20, A19, M2, M6, N11, N12, N19, C7 and G14 and so on. The primer sequences in Table 2. on the 25 inbred lines in the same location on the DNA fragments , a RAPD band recorded as 1, Wuji 0. See Figure 1 and Figure 2 example. the 10 primers with 0-1 type results into the data.
Table 2 of 25 maize inbred Department of polymorphism is particularly obvious
10 primers

primer sequences (5, -3,)

primer sequences (5, -3,)
2-2 25 maize inbred lines to the above cluster analysis of RAPD analysis of the results obtained
0 , 1 data, using cluster analysis statistical software calculated the genetic distance among 25 inbred lines included in Table 3.
can be seen from Table 3, 25 inbred lines between the genetic distance between 1.59 ~ 36.51 . genetic distance between 478 and 488, both from the same second ring system. inbred genetic distance is greatest between 178 and 7922. Although both are hybrids from the United States, but are P78599 and 3382 offspring. for different groups.
inbred lines according to the distance between clustering by group average method, the results shown in Figure 3 .25 copolymer inbred lines into five categories. Class 1 includes four yellow early, Kyrgyzstan 853 , yellow wild four, four from four, 196,81515,404, H21, etc. 8 inbred lines; Category 2 includes 478,488,3189,7922,8112 than eight-point, 5005, totaling seven inbred lines; Class 3 includes the Mo17, as early as 49, 22 so a total of more than 3; E28 Class 4 only one inbred line; Category 5 Total P78, 9502,178, P138, 007, P17 and other six inbred lines.
Table 4
P78599 generations
New Note: This table data is then hand counted overtime at night.
3, to discuss
threshold is 4.5922 divided groups, then T = 21, 25 inbred lines can be divided into five groups. This division results pedigree is consistent.
as in the first category I, Kyrgyzstan 853, yellow wild four, four from four, 196,81515,404, H21, etc are made as early as four pro-containing yellow blood of the second ring of the Department of Breeding from. so naturally, as early as four kinship with similar yellow. the combinations between these systems will not have a strong combination of excellent produce. drawn in group II, the 478,488,3189,7922,8112 than the tip August, 5005, etc., check all of its pedigree and an American Red blood BSSS group related to a typical Red system. Section III group of Mo17, as early as 49, more than 22 were among 21 genetic distance within the greater than the distance between the other groups is a typical Lancaster 25.Mo17 blood system, so these three lines are the Lancaster system. E28 inbred lines from the other groups were 25 or more, self-contained system , is a typical Ludahonggu system. It is important to point out that the first V class, and they are from the U.S. corn hybrids P78599 Progeny, four of them with the blood of the original system Tangsipingtou system, Red system, Lancaster Department of Ludahonggu Department of the genetic distance were 26 or more, we call P group. This group of inbred lines with other types of groups are likely to generate strong superior hybrid combinations. This is the introduction of China in recent years new germplasm and maize breeding and production in China play an increasing role. as in recent years, a hybrid of several outstanding Nongda 108 (P178t yellow C), CAU 3138 (Comprehensive 31tP138) and so on. Corn breeders for the future, the use of P group and the other four groups of priority system will be optional combination of superior maize hybrids strong main mode.
results of this study demonstrate: the use of RAPD molecular markers and has been the result of Grouping consistent with known pedigree back, RAPD markers in the group division of maize inbred lines is feasible. use this method in a wider range of maize inbred lines in China by research groups.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Role play examples of activities in large classes

 Role play activities in large classes
theme of the game case: McDonald's, flower shop, toy city, my home, supermarkets, banks
game purposes:
1, to actively participate in role play activities, the formation of a strong role-playing games interest, to accurately reflect the role of social responsibility and the role of social relations among each other.
2, able to choose roles, learn to assign roles by means of consultation, the Institute division of labor, friendly exchanges with their peers, to share the joy of the game, initially learn to solve problems in the game.
3, through play, training children to love life, be polite, follow the rules, good character behavior.
4, try to use alternatives to enrich the game.
Game preparation:
(1), commonly used in home furnishings, cookware, cutlery, food;
(2), containers, shelves, merchandise, flyers, Purchasing Guide and the cashier and work clothing brand; < br> (3), hamburgers, french fries, chicken, cola, etc.;
(4), a variety of silk flowers, plastic flowers, paper flowers, wrapping paper, etc.;
(5), a variety of toys, book
observation and analysis: the ability to watch the video clearly not doing enough to last a good place, such as withdrawals do not line up, florists misplacing things, very neat. children were made to correct the method to queue up, please staff supervision; things can not be put on the ground, you can move a table to put more stuff; go to the supermarket to buy too many things, you can use the bag to pack, etc..
three, young children group, choose the game, Institute of assigning roles in consultation and cooperation arrangements playground.
observation and analysis: the majority of children were able to talk to each other, and soon set a good role. only to play the McDonald's children, because several people have wanted to be a manager, to discuss a long time have not decided yet. then had to determine the stone scissors cloth. It seems the children will use some methods have to solve the problem.
four divisions to Children playing by the rules and civilized, polite, and guide children to imitate playing the role of a bold, bold use their brains to select the available alternatives.
observation and analysis: as seen before video, so when the kids can get money row good team, florist children put things moving a table, look neater. McDonald's receptionist is very warm, it will introduce to customers a variety of delicious things. toy business is very good city, the assembly of toys Technicians are busy bad. but not what the children the concept of price, the price of goods and money are arbitrary. and no more imagination, not to use alternatives.
five to end the game and comment on the game.
(1), invited children to talk about, when you play the game any fun things to share with you. Who do you like best and why?
(2), talk about the problems found in the game, allow children to think for a solution, to prepare for the next game.
observation and analysis: the children could come up with fun things, and who like to play the most. It seems the teacher's guide and questions are very important skills .
activity reflection: the kids are more into role-playing games, because with the relevant experience of life, the circumstances of the children play games and more enriched. McDonald's receptionist is very warm hospitality guests, whether it is This class of children, or guest teachers, they are able and generous introduction. florist flowers and toys, toys of honesty loved by everyone. game theme close to the children's lives, from the children's interest in starting the game to be a child like basic. So the children to play more role playing games more to play, every play is to dig some. However, the children play games, or stay on top of the existing experience, no brains to be innovative, is too timid small, not open, do not use substitutes. After playing the game to lead the children to use their brains to focus on innovation, selection of alternatives.

role-playing games in large classes the morning of games: role-playing games
game content: Mei Mei Barber store health clinics McDull Bank
object of the game:
1, the activities help children learn more about the specific work of staff to appreciate the hard work and happiness.
2, through play activities to develop children's skills and awareness of the rules.
3, stimulate children's active participation.
game for:
beauty: cosmetics, comb, mirror, water heaters, steam head, etc.;
Health Clinic: stethoscope, syringes , infusion sets, masks, medicine boxes;
McDull Bank: Counting coupons, IC card, a small computer.
course of the game:
1, enlightening conversation, inspire enthusiasm for early childhood activities.
Division: the last game of the attitude of our work is very good massage therapist, was named the staff group to do better, we should pay attention to what activities it?
2, guide children to discussion.
(1) the customer should do?
(2) salesperson should do to pay attention to what?
(3) about children, teachers make Summary.
3, children free distribution of roles at will.
4, children role-play as layout tools.
5, to carry out the game, teachers to participate as active role in guiding young children have individual differences.
6, tidying up staff in venues, the closing event.
7, Summary of the activities of students and teachers, named customers > 2 children through play activities to develop skills and awareness of the rules.
3, stimulate children's active participation.
game for:
beauty: cosmetics, comb, mirror, water heaters, steam head device etc.;
Health Clinic: stethoscope, syringes, infusion sets, masks, medicine boxes;
McDull Bank: Counting coupons, IC card, a small computer.
course of the game:
1, inspired Talk to inspire enthusiasm for early childhood activities.
division: the last game of the attitude of our work is very good massage therapist, was named the service personnel to learn from them, in order to allow other staff groups do better, we should pay attention to what activities it?
2, guide children to discussion.
(1) the customer to do?
(2) salesperson should do, pay attention to what?
(3) about children, teachers make Summary.
3, children free distribution of roles at will.
4, children role-identity Game layout tools.
5, to carry out the game, the role of teachers to participate as activities, there are individual differences in child care guide.
6, tidying up staff in venues, the closing event.
7, students and teachers Summary of activities together, named into the summer months the oldest kindergarten children, although children in large classes is now, but many of them still keep the characteristics of middle shift the child's age. In the first month of school children will be the role of game show excitement and enthusiasm However, many problems also occur. If the new term do not know whether it can play the original theme, where each of the themes in the end play, toys, etc. to take in any place. In addition, many children will return to a few months ago the game level, the whole process much less the content of socialization, more action is some action in the doll house. hospitals and other topics will be many activities, the phenomenon of children fighting for toys. children playing motivation and simple, while also a characteristics of the relevant age, teachers have a grasp on the game at this stage should be the interface between attention and Intermediate Period. Some even use the requirements to guide the children middle shift.
II moving target
1. familiar with the game environment, can be bold in the game.
2. are willing to consult with the role of peers, understanding the role; have a role in consciousness.
three, the game guide
1. freedom of choice.
here including teachers to Children introduced the game environment, the placement of toys in the game, playing field relative division, including home-made toys to introduce children to provide material.
independent choice in child care, teachers and child care can also be a common theme of the game last term memories, talk about the game on the common joy of the semester thing, this can help children more appropriately into the game environment, the continuation of the theme can also play a role.
face large class of children free to choose the game theme, the role of companions, toys, and other teachers have enough attitude to allow them a children 2. self-start.
large classes of young children in September, after the commencement of the game was lively throughout the classroom, many children can be like INTERMEDIATE put into place when playing as there are some simple plot, and the same will also be some the role of match action. language, look, the teacher should share the children's emotional and happy gaming, and teacher's facial expressions, movements and simple words to encourage, for sure. guide children to > However, large classes in September, the process of role-playing games will be many problems, for example, want to play the new episode of a new theme but do not have enough experience; such as a clear role in the identity of children and do not talk to children without access to role-playing games friction between teachers and focused to fully observe and give guidance in due course.
comprehensive observation, including whether children are able to observe the class in the game boldly, but also teachers to understand the activities in the game process. teachers should focus on observing young children have a new theme: focus on a theme of the game observed.
timely guidance, including guidance when child care assistance, child care there is a dispute, resulting in excesses of timely guidance in due course when unsafe conditions guide ; also observed that children have with the match as the behavior of roles, actions, language given the encouragement, affirmation and guidance.
3. spontaneous exchanges.
to children after the end of the game or in the collective team before the game telling their own feelings, as teachers should first meet the children would say. love that psychology, which give him the game add a color, on this basis to guide children to be bright spot in the discourse of comments to guide children become more familiar with the game environment, to know the role to be negotiated, and the role of know what to feel Who Xiangshui, teachers can be in this part of the reviews, children can also be discussed through the organization to achieve their goals, so that children learn to get some experience.
lesson plans role-playing games (BIG)

moving target role-playing games: 1, to clear the role of their own responsibilities, and to guard posts;
2, to use polite language, a more quiet games;
Activities: doll house, hospital, barber shops, farms, banks, buses, supermarkets
active process: First, the introductory phrase
children, today we have to play doll house, and you not happy ah high ? last time we play the game at home when the baby, ah, Li Ziheng children play can stick pull, he, ah, originally doll house grandfather, but then he saw the doctors is not enough, it is because the children hospital run away, so he on his own to the hospital to help patients see a doctor.
and his methods and others do not see a doctor, he used the qigong, today, I want to see, not all children are able to find their work, and work to do the job, and, when we are doing the game is not to be quiet ah, so that a doctor in the hospital and the rest of the people will be able to rest well;
II , child care teachers in the game
guide: Key guidance doll house and dolls to play the role of the guests home with her mother to baby at home
general guidance can be applied in all service areas polite;
teachers Observation: 1, observe whether the children a good first move chairs and tables, Zaiqu Na toys;
2, observe whether the children themselves to solve some small problems encountered;
3, observed by teachers, children are able to asked guard their own posts, not the middle class run;
4, observe whether the children are quiet the voice of the game;
three, teacher evaluation
1, so that individual children introduced today its new discovery; and give recognition and encouragement;
2, in the game today to guard their own posts, and to use polite language to be recognition of child care;
3, children in the game for the whole class can lower the volume to be commended for the game and tell children in the next game also depends on their performance;
role-playing games: a dream come true
moving target:
1, children develop mutual communication, interaction capacity for coordination, promote language development.
2, children learn to make rational use of their role, through the actions, body language and appropriate action to reflect the characteristics of the role.
event preparation:
the role of area signs and badges; cut off by the regional shoe racks, tables and chairs, the role of area background music, birthday song disc, toy planes, children beds,
Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative: doctors, nurses hat; signs, registered a single, visual form, medical boxes, medical equipment ,
lot of pharmacies: hat, drug price tag, a variety of bottle kit, computer cash registers, said the human body,
Bread Story: hat, children made a variety of pastries, electronic, flour, rubber cement , mold, bread cake samples, plates, cups boxes, paper bags,
flower shop: a variety of artificial flowers and flower baskets, colored paper, glue sticks, straws, paper flowers made a number of children,
Bank of China: Withdrawal machine, banknotes, bank cards,
Emergency Center: Telephone, emergency vehicles,
public phone booths: telephone
active process:
1, import: the dream as a blueprint, leads to topic, stimulate children warm, expand the imagination of young children to explore ideas. After quietly make a is a great dream, right? day of work as the core, a complete display of children's imagination, so that children get the opportunity to imitate the practice.'s
cut to a : wearing uniforms, equipment and other whole
management, doctors, nurses, pasta division, pharmacists, cashiers, floral division, emergency medical, banking service personnel find their own place after its
he chose to enter a customer's child care activity area with Student ID card and password withdrawals for games.
3, the design situation, culminating into the activities, a patient suddenly collapsed and emergency medical efforts, stimulate children life-saving emotion.
4, activities The last, with the work of music sounded, the children finishing order uniforms, received good equipment, out of the activity area. Bread Story This is the time to prepare
active area of 500 elderly people celebrate the big birthday cake, the whole event end in a warm atmosphere.
role-playing games: the origin of the colorful clothing
game: Class recently launched understanding of colorful costumes, other materials, and put them to the art district to guide the children clothing production. as a teacher, please put a small model to produce their own clothing style show, the children very happy and made want to play . but not in the play area small audiences, young performers who think it is a pity, so want the game to open a small theater roles to perform, so a viewer to watch. Meanwhile, young children often find that what clothing stores sold out, is not enough, so in the game through the discussion had to open a
1, guide children to follow the theme of the game will determine, through bold imaginary, imitation, and play a social role, to creatively reflect the role of social responsibility and the role of social relations among each other.
2, can assign roles by means of consultation, a division of labor, friendly exchanges with peers, sharing the joy of the game, to solve problems in the game.
3, to guide children bold, creative alternatives and selection of play materials, according to the game activities in the region needs a simple toy made materials, develop children's imagination, creativity and hands-on operational capability.
4, through play, training children love life, caring, courtesy and good behavior to comply with the quality of rules .
5, consciously foster children are classified according to requirements, display materials and clean up the game's awareness and ability.

theme of the game the first game: doll house, shops, hospitals, snack bar
empirical support:
a doll house, shops, hospitals, snack bar of the game experience.
new material:
put children in a store in the regional activities in the
guiding points:
1, recently launched with the theme
class activities Buy this game content.
2, teachers focus in depth to the computer credit card payment.
3, in the ; between the exchange of information on the behavior of some of the correct representative to give the necessary evaluation.
4, reminded the snack bar of the ; to be civilized room off the floor. teachers immediately as the store attendant suggested the need for customers to buy goods according to their own, and take good care of their own items. As the store's customers buy more goods in the comments in the a person busy, then the next game when needed to add another proposal a no sense to immediately clean up, resulting in relatively dirty environment snack bar. consultative raised this issue when teachers help children to discuss how to resolve, the child could very well say each guest to eat something, and guests must be said again what to eat, I feel a lot of trouble, after discussion agreed to make a point of the menu.
class children to the level of property on behalf of the property has been greatly over Intermediate improved, most of the alternatives through the home-made toys to enrich the game; the same time, can take the initiative to hospitality, a guest, but the etiquette to be improved, teachers in the course of the next game as in-depth guide to the role.
second the Game
theme of the game: Add a small theater, doll house, shops, hospitals, eateries
empirical support:
activities in the region, ; game.
new material:
1, create a new scene: a small theater (to provide background decorated tree, tape recorders, music tapes, small chairs, the audience)
2, put children in a store in the area activities
1, teachers talk with their children raised by a new game theme, The players perform to a very exciting, but no small audience, more pity! So the young actor moved to recommend to the role of the small stage to the game, open a small theater. Today we opened a small theater would you, everyone happy you? a fashion show clean and tidy.
4, guide role-playing games and going to move, to open a small theater. In this discuss this issue with young children, and some say a re-look at br> In the doll house game, the teachers to the doll as a guest of a guest house, and guide young children pay attention to some of the basic etiquette of hospitality, but also found that children from the store to buy a lot of items, out of no place to put, throw all over the place To look a mess, the teacher reminded the children too many things, how to do it? children thought to have the items are returned to the store. In response to this phenomenon, teachers of young children in the comments presented and discussed when how to deal with out of the garbage is that? is thrown into the trash.
third game
theme of the game: small theater, doll house, shops, hospitals, eateries
empirical support:
rich guest children, the general etiquette of hospitality.
new material:
1, the required increase in store fashion show of clothing, accessories, etc..
2, for each doll house put a garbage basket.
guiding points:
1, inspired by the Theater performance, but to keep quiet, does not affect the actor's normal performance.
3, the doll house as a guest to guest, to remind children to keep clean and tidy home and thrown into the trash basket in the garbage.
game observation and to promote:
discussion in the last game, based on the activities of children in this game more orderly, the game plot has become more abundant. teachers once again to the doll house as a guest to guest, that young children can use the polite expression more warmly received the guests; same time, the children of the daily waste disposal has a profound experience, coupled with the discussion of the last game, children can be very consciously organize items and rubbish thrown into the trash in a timely manner. this game, there are A child care initiative to another house guest, the other family to have to follow children saw each other to invite them. So, how teachers guide children to a guest.
Little Theater beginning of the game The players are still in the rehearsal stage for props until to a number of small audiences, they realize they have to show. to see the show's young audience is also very happy, some wearing dark glasses, some wearing scarves to dress beautifully; some mothers with babies Some older sister with her brother to see the show; also bring the camera, camera phone to watch the performances hh order in good time.
when some children in the assessment that over, not enough ;, Ke Jia, said: some of the children agreed with the proposal Kejia, then discuss the decision to carry out the next game, This style
, then how to do? Shop
empirical support:
1, in the regional activities of the
new material:
provided in the clothing factory where all kinds of plastic bags, decorative paper, watercolor pencils, scissors and other materials.
guiding points:
1, teachers talk with children through jointly proposed a go to sell, so customers can buy their own clothes out. factory Factory Children made the game ;. Because it is a new game theme, so each child is very want to play, so the teachers to Please next time they can continue to apply. As the art area to produce a clothing experience, so the game started very quickly to produce children clothing come from. But in the course of the game, children seems to sense the process of making clothing interest and have no contact with other theme of the game, feeling a bit like art activity area, did not possess the nature of the game; the same time, orders for child care in the design of content delivery is more single, mostly small vest. it is proposed that after the end of the game < br> children to discuss : clothing factory, a small theater, doll house, shops
empirical support:
1, to discuss with the children about the Children under the need to design many different types of clothing orders.
3, use of learning activities focused on gloves, hats, scarves and other production methods.
new material:
put them in the doll house designed orders.
guiding points:
1, by talking about memories of the last game to discuss game play and content processing, and display order.
2, guide children to the shops delivery and the way to work enhance the to work; the same time, Clothing courier reminded of teachers can make good clothes to the store to sell; same time, the doll house child care can take the initiative to their own home orders for the required clothing, such as gloves, scarves, etc. to go to the store, but sent no later continued development of the plot, that is to pick up. So in the game, I specifically asked to seek orders for the children of Lin Shu Yi: from what went on my smile go out into the store, the next she is a salesperson Lin Yin-yung, said: Wait a minute. Lin Yin-jung said the word: a cry to go. Thus, the children could not experience ordering and shipping the game, but the teacher can gradually expand the circumstances prompt, so after the end of the game for the problems in the game together with the children to discuss the ordering and delivery The game plot, some of them said, . how to do?

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Find emerging global innovation and technology center

 Editor's Note
Recently, the State Council approved construction of the Zhongguancun Science Park, National Innovation Model Area. Approved that Zhongguancun to the guidance of scientific concept of development, developing creative resources, accelerate reform and development, and strive to train and gather outstanding creative talent, especially is the industry leading talent, focus on research and development and transformation of the world's leading scientific and technological achievements, strengthening and expanding global influence a number of innovative enterprises, foster a number of international brands, and comprehensively improve the Zhongguancun Science Park and the radiating capacity of independent innovation, promote Zhongguancun Science Park's technological development and innovation in the first 20 years of this century to a new level, the Zhongguancun Science Park into a global influence, innovation and technology center. So, Zhongguancun how to complete this mission? Silicon Valley through the development of Zhongguancun , Comparative analysis of development models, and perhaps part of the answer can be found.
the rise of globalization and regionalization
formed by means of comparative advantage specialization mm in the (a) From the factor-driven stage, efficiency-driven stage, innovation-driven stage, the innovation-driven is the advanced stage, is the inevitable trend of global economic development .20 century, bears. Peter's innovative theory that the meaning of innovation than technical invention, which includes the development of new products, new production methods, find new markets, find new raw materials, create a new industrial organization and other aspects .20 end of the century, the practice of the new economy of innovation in turn extended to the behavior, thinking, communication mode and so on. Looking back on history, human society has experienced a 18th century industrial revolution, the 19th century electrical revolution of the 20th century three new technology revolution, technological revolution, has appeared in the United Kingdom, Germany, the United States, the world's three economic centers and science and technology center, these technology centers lead the world in a certain period of time. In this process among the leading countries in both the radiation and leading to other regions, there are late-coming countries formed under certain conditions beyond the .20 since the 80 century, global economic development gradually moving towards a multipolar, unipolar and the deepening international division of labor, the value chain between the different segments of rapid decomposition, while the same or related sectors within the region formed in a cluster, the formation of a variety of . At present, the world has become such a large gathering area, covering agriculture, traditional manufacturing, modern services, high-tech industries and other fields. It can be seen associated with the process of economic globalization, regionalization and economic personalization. At the same time, these concentration areas tend to have strong scientific and technological innovation, which makes the rise of the foundations of traditional regional economic theory have wavered, innovation as the core elements of regional innovation cluster theory as the main guide to regional economic development. between a large number of concentration areas tend to occur through various channels, the organic variety, which is a global innovation network a form of expression. The concentration areas can be seen as one among the global innovation network node cluster, some of which capital, technology, personnel, information and other resources, a large number of innovations, innovation is very prominent in the global innovation network in a key position, which has a strong influence on the node to be known as the Technology Innovation Center mm which is the more developed regional innovation network, complexity and diversity of regional innovation capability will be. These include a variety of regional innovation network in the main body, such as enterprises, universities and research institutes, intermediary service organizations and government. the Government in creating an innovative environment play an important role. Innovation is not the biggest cost comes from the land, resources and other physical entities, but continue to impact all types of innovative resources, until the innovation needed to generate the opportunity cost. in the regional innovation network, when a new ideas, new technologies, new information is generated, rapid flow within the network will be open to, and the rapid transmission of the network, frequent feedback, in the repeated collision and oscillation, breeds innovation.
(b) Global Silicon Valley Innovation Center and its development model on behalf mm
all global innovation network Among the global innovation network, there is a billion U.S. dollars, accounting for 2% of the total U.S. economy -3% .1939, the Hewlett Packard and Vice President Terman at Stanford University funded by co-founded Hewlett-Packard, Silicon Valley since opened a prelude to the development. In 1955, transistor inventor William. Shockley founded Shockley Semiconductor Laboratory in Silicon Valley in 1956, eight young scientists joined the Shockley Semiconductor experiment, unprecedented in Silicon Valley created a large collection of high-end talent. Later, the eight scientists to leave the Shockley Semiconductor Laboratory transferred to Fairchild, the company has become the Silicon Valley from Fairchild Semiconductor industry professionals gather in the serving Geluo Fu founded the Intel Corporation; Sanders is a director of Fairchild Semiconductor sales in 1969 he founded with seven employees Fairchild, AMD.
20 century and the mid-80s early 70s is a Silicon Valley period of great development in 1971, production of computer microprocessors made possible the invention, the Silicon Valley Microelectronics and the personal computer age into the .20 to the 90 century, the mid-80's is back to Silicon Valley by the ebb tide period, the 20th century, 90 years The rising of the early software industry in Silicon Valley had a short-term crisis, highly specialized integrated circuit industry structure .20 mid-90s, the Silicon Valley era of mass access to the network, and network software industry has brought prosperity, the formation of a software great development and network interaction. into the 21st century, the rapid rise of Silicon Valley's innovative services, and in 2005 became the second largest industrial sectors in Silicon Valley .2006, clean technology industry in Silicon Valley, over 50% growth rate, which absorb the risk growth rate of investment among the first in the industry.