Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Metro City Construction to undertake the function of accelerating population

 Beijing News: how the future development of downtown?

Huang Yan: More major features of the city's projects and industrial projects introduced to the Metro. At the same time, play the leading role rail transportation, the Metro Rail Transit site designed to strengthen the surrounding integration. Also, strong support for Metro and other public health services, UNESCO and the ecological environment construction, and increase resources for quality public services the city center to the town of radiation intensity.

Yan Huang: speed up the central city population, functional ease, is the ultimate way to solve these problems.

Yan Huang: This requires mechanisms and institutional breakthrough. Example, during the second five public rental Beijing to develop, in fact, to solve a very good job opportunity for balanced living. The industrial development and employment targets and the object of public rental, through policy innovation, and better linked together. Industries and functional areas in the vicinity of the construction of public rental available to employees in the work here is to live close to employment and an important way. Reporter hp

Park development is the

second five high-end interview

Beijing News: But people all have their own wishes. How to lead them to live and work nearby?


the future is to improve the central city of the living environment. Center City will accelerate the implementation of the planning of green space and river, giving priority to public safety facilities and rail transportation and other municipal infrastructure.

people gathered over the city center features

Huang Yan: the central city will curb the blind expansion of construction scale and construction land sprawl further out is incompatible with the core economic functions of the other formats, according to the planning and reasonable control of the central city, especially the central region of the construction scale and construction strength.

Beijing News: How the center of the city people to the Metro, where employment and housing?

What will be adjusted and upgrade? Yesterday, the reporter of Beijing Municipal Planning Commission Master Ren Huangyan an interview.

Metro construction to be played ease
Beijing News: How to solve this problem?

can say that we are faced with the population, traffic and other issues, there is the urban population, functional and industry gathered in the center of the city over the issue.

speed up the strategic restructuring of urban space is to solve the population, transportation, industrial development and many other issues to ensure sustainable development of urban infrastructure work.

Olympic Games to Beijing modern, international standards are leaps and bounds. But also led to increasing pressure of population resources and environment. Overall, the Beijing to a new stage of development is very good foundation, the opportunity is very large, is also facing many problems.

can increase attractiveness of public rental

the one hand, and actively promote the ease downtown population, on the other hand is to accelerate the implementation of the new city development strategies. Metro development strategy is aimed at ease of the population to undertake the center of the city and the aggregation functions and new features.

There is also a key
Yan Huang: Metro construction to achieve the level to live a balanced and avoid lying on the Metro into the city.

Beijing News: But will the new city growing population the city has become a lie?

Yan Huang: Beijing in the proposed three-step master plan concept. Assessment of the overall plan last year, concluded that the first step,

Beijing News: and the

Beijing News: You just said that the increasing pressure of population resources and environment, which is mainly reflected in what areas?

HUANG Yan: for example, the rapid growth of population size, resources and environment carrying capacity and the contradiction between the increasingly prominent. Beijing is enormous pressure of population concentration, gathered downtown population trends have not fundamentally changed.

establishment of urban planning and land features in the use of spatial layout, the emphasis on housing, employment, livelihood support, infrastructure and environmental greening balance and harmony. In addition, properly handle the optimal adjustment of the city and the Metro Centre development relationship, break the administrative boundaries.

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